Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lip Ear Chain Piercing

Small Things I Hate

hate freshly washed jeans, golf leaving lint, pants that fit in the middle of the seats at every step. I hate people who want to have the last word because the last word must be mine. I hate to keep the doors closed and blinds lowered, especially at night when I wake up I want to light air. I hate it when the hot water comes out of the shower and I hate to forget things. I hate the food caked on the bottom of the pot and the water drops that glide along the forearm when you wash your hands. I can not stand cream "cryo effect" that, after harvest, they make you freeze for half an hour. I can not stand those things with buttons and with a thousand decorations. I hate falling asleep in the middle of a movie and especially hate not being able to avoid it. I hate drugs with a bad taste and those with a taste too good because they eat a whole package. I hate not finishing books but just not with someone I did not, in fact I did it with two or at most three books, but they feel a bit 'as a burden on his conscience. I can not stand the automatic translator from Google and especially those who use it not to read two pages in English. I can not stand people on Facebook fills the board, from morning to night, pitiable link. I hate the traffic light when the light turns yellow because I have not yet figured out if I have to speed up or slow down. I do not like the bed was unmade, but not even do that. I hate it when you fall on the same hand three times in a row and when the glaze with fresh bumps everywhere. I do not like having too many empty pages of the agenda and hate not remember the password to access the university website. I hate when you prevent me from doing something I want to do and hate me because I surrender to the will of others. I hate to leave questions sospeso e odio i commessi che cercano di fregarti con il resto. Non sopporto quando il mio gatto cammina sulla tastiera del computer e riesce ad aprire cose che non sapevo esistessero (in realtà lo amo, e lo amo anche ora che è coricato sulla mia mano e mi impedisce ogni movimento). Odio perdere gli orecchini e odio i cibi surgelati che fuori sono caldi e dentro ghiacciati. Odio la puzza di fritto e di fumo sui vestiti e odio i cani con i codini in testa, anzi, odio i loro padroni.
Ovvio, odio e non sopporto anche molte altre cose, magari un po' più serie e vitali. Oggi però volevo fare l'elenco solo delle piccole cose che odio.


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