Thursday, February 24, 2011

Honda Pilot Rear License Plate Bracket

Last night I was eating pizza in a 'pretty unique pizzeria di Pavia. To gain score tables are much too close and so it is impossible to have a conversation private. My table was exactly between the two sets, and so between bites and the other listened to their speeches. To my right there was this couple about thirty, at a guess I set a couple of years, were also addressed in confidence and a bit 'in tone. She seemed sweet, occasionally fed him, smiled, gave him tips on the cake, he was simply unbearable. And ugly. And obnoxious. At one point he brought up, seriously, a haunting question: has asked how he would make a chocolate cake if she were on a 'deserted island. She laughingly said that he did not know that on a 'desert island the chocolate cake was not so crucial. He clearly annoyed l'ha accusata di non avere spirito di soppravvivenza e, con un'aria supponente e saputella insieme, si è messo a spiegarle il criterio di ricerca degli ingredienti. Io sono rimasta un po' allibita. L'istinto di soppravvivenza mi sembra un buon criterio per scegliersi una compagna, soprattutto se si tratta di una torta al cioccolato.
Alla mia sinistra invece c'era questa coppia sui quarant'anni, lui a un certo punto l'ha guardata e le ha detto: "Sei molto elegante questa sera". Questo mi ha fatto capire che non si trattava di suo marito e nemmeno del suo compagno. I due avevano una certa confidenza ma nel corso della serata si è capito che non si conoscevano poi così bene. Io sono arrivata alla conclusione che semplicemente questi two every time they go to bed with him and feel a little 'man every time the door out to dinner, makes the compliments and makes her choose the menu, from appetizers to desserts, including wine. Wish to compliment her for more said that I have never been so fat, weight was 58 pounds.
I was in the midst of these strange assemblages and some 'and smiled a bit' shook his head. Who knows how it ended their evening, who knows what will happen in their lives.


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