adequately prepared for the tour organized by the Cultural Druids, which will be held Saturday 4 and Sunday, April 5 c / o the Palazzo Ducale in Genoa or simply to reiterate that attend this event with great enthusiasm, I thought I'd advertise this trip (although they have all the official channels to do that - through a press office impeccable and very timely) and to clarify once again the esteem I have for them.
I do not have reopened the blog to become a teacher in some ways of thinking (that's why there's a whole mob of priests, politicians and intellectuals of the last hour) but to continue a process that began several years ago. I just press that there is a continuity in the writing of this coarse thoughts bars, related to some good music (not even fucking want to improvise diggei or a "cultural conservative" against the vacuum advance) dispensing with some message that I hope is enough to stir some consciousness (otherwise then do not ask me in private clarifications, explanations or more information - stating that this practice strikes me yet I am very pleased eheheh).
just comment here, but there you are ...
However, it is worth pointing out that every single sentence is mainly the result of imagination, and completely false, completely separated from reality, if not completely useless, if not related to facts ...
However, if even only one film that I have advertised, or if even one of my questionable verdicts has somehow your life easier (cheering, so to say, an evening), however, in fact, has not changed a damn.
a fact, or rather of gitarella Concerts featuring this association, according to a simple belief, that ought to be extended in any cultural activity of every single fucking country, from local festivals to concerts for the chosen few (We are a cultural association and we deserve to be constantly reiterate ... Finally, if proof were needed (this may not be), that ours is a non-political and non-denominational, ie, neither left nor religious faiths, will never have any role in the choices we make ).
not deny that initially I wanted to live individually this anniversary (il decennale della scomparsa di colui che ho sempre considerato una sorta di "secondo educatore"; tenendo conto che tale dipartita è avvenuta praticamente in concomitanza con quella reale del primo, mio padre) perchè temevo che tante, troppe persone avrebbero vissuto tale evento nel modo sbagliato, mitizzando il poeta, arrivando addirittura ad idolatrarlo, come avviene sovente, quando si parla pubblicamente di Faber.
Sicuramente il mio piglio ironico, questa mia concretezza nel considerarlo Patrimonio Popolare non agevola questo, ne sono certo.
Certe mi dichiarazioni, verranno mal interpretate dai soliti individui spocchiosi, che nascondono nella severità quello che Fabrizio ha sempre ripudiato: l'elite.
Per questo motivo consacro questa interpretazione magistrale, di un personaggio disprezzato dalla solita intellighenzia ma che io invece mi onoro di ospitare: il grande blasco.
Stavo ancora con la Puni,
la mia prima moglie,
e una sera che eravamo a Portobello Di Gallura,
dove avevamo la casa,
fummo invitati in uno di questi ghetti per ricchi della costa nord,
come al solito mi chiesero di prendere la chitarra e di cantare,
ma io risposi:"perchè invece non parliamo?"
era il periodo che Paolo VI aveva tirato fuori la faccenda degli esorcismi,
aveva detto che il diavolo esiste sul serio,
insomma a me questa cosa era rimasta un po' sul gozzo,
così ho detto: "Why do not we talk about what is happening in Italy?"
stain! had decided that I had to play,
then I broke the balls,
I took a colossal hangover
I insulted everyone and I got home, I closed
here in the shed,
and a drunken night I wrote
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