Saturday, February 14, 2009

Football Square Calculator

the reader's wort Jason

Friday the 13th is the first film of the long saga di Jason Voorhees. Il film appartiene al genere slasher ed è del 1980, diretto da Sean S. Cunningham, fu fatto dopo il successo riscosso da Halloween, la notte delle streghe di John Carpenter. È ricordato anche per essere stato il primo film horror ad avere una sicura distribuzione da una major (la Paramount Pictures). Si rivelò un grande successo al botteghino che garantì una lunga serie di seguiti.

Nonostante la critica abbia attaccato il film, diventò uno dei più popolari film horror. Il successo al botteghino portò alla creazione di una lunga serie di film.

Il film è ambientato a Camp Crystal Lake, un piccolo campeggio vicino ad un lago, dove undici anni prima era annegato un bambino, Jason Voorhees. The camp was closed after it reopens all the time and when the children arrive, the mysterious murders begin to occur.

A terrible tragedy has been worn out at Camp Crystal Lake. Three decades later a group of boys went to the scene of the massacre in search of a field of marijuana to misappropriate the peaks with the intention to get rich. Camped in the dark forest, the five will be made out of a masked man. Six weeks after a young man named Clay arrives at Crystal Lake in his motion (a motherfuckin enfield!) To search for the missing sister. Will encounter in the snooty Trent has invited some friends to spend the weekend in the family villa that overlooking the lake.

Marcus Nispel, who was facing the film with its remake of a horror film (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre), returns to Camp Crystal Lake on the screen to bring the myth of Jason.
It succeeds very well, mostly all of reinventing the style dear to the remake of Texas Chainsaw Massacre (filthy tunnels, traps breathtaking chases and frenzied, a retarded kid with a bag over his head would be able to make difficult, if not it was Jason .. .) rather than play the card of yellow (or the mother who kills to avenge his son) as it did Friday in the first 13 ... However
a horror enjoyable, extremely violent, true to today's American cinema, which leaves out those few moments of breath just to see Where's My Car uninhibited, or stoned to fuck all the time or try to escape to the house screaming. And rightly
are torn apart, because frankly, all those elements that screams ... but not enough to make the new Friday the 13th that cult, that was. However, will satisfy aficionados of every generation and always sweethearts who will believe in the hall to see that foul crap called "big love" -> go personally to sabotage every cinema in Italy tonight.
Albakiara Why after watching, I just brought terror to learning that this film will be presented in full regalia on the day of s.valentino, with a background that asshole complains of unlistenable shit Baglioni (also present in the soundtrack: you must die), which had already ruined the symbol of the World 2006 (and certain Jason did not forget the atrocities).
And now a similar story that happened at Lake Bodom ... eheheheh.


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