Per l'esterno:
300 gr di farina
170 gr di burro
80 gr di zucchero
2 uova
la buccia di un limone grattata
un pizzico di sale
un pochino di latte nel caso il composto risultasse troppo duro or dry (depending on the size of eggs you add milk or flour or anything ... or if you see the mixture and 'soft and smooth).
For the custard: 2 eggs
60 g sugar 350 g cheese
chocolate into small pieces (what you want and if you want to put it)
I worked the butter and flour mixture is a powdery, then I did a fountain in the middle and put sugar and lemon peel, a pinch of salt then I joined the beaten eggs and started to knead slowly taking more and more 'flour and butter of the fountain and started to work up to obtain composed of a homogeneous and smooth. I had a ball with plastic wrap and put in fridge for 30 minutes (my fridge cold much). I
For the cream, beat eggs and sugar together then I ricotta and chocolate pieces.
I took the pastry rolled out and I've lined a tin of 27 cm in diameter, I put the filling, I did not make the classic strips of dough over the tart, but it moves so if you want to do them.
I bake at 180 degrees for about half an hour but I checked the color of the pastry and filling to see cook.
It 'really good and greatly improves the next day.
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