That 's the recipe for the rags of my mom holding I do not know from where. Cenci in Pistoia, but also talk, sfrappole, sfrappe, lies etc .... Typical sweets of the carnival period. In the family we have 3 or 4 recipes a bit 'different, but this' that we use more' often.
Ingredients: 300 gr flour 00
2 eggs 3 tablespoons sugar 3 tablespoons oil
Vin Santo, a short (but I put a little 'more', the pasta should have a right bell'odore vinsanto otherwise lose it after cooking and rags will be heard not 'taste) a bit of a spoon of baking powder (but not' compulsory ...) grated orange or lemon zest (I use the peel orange)
We all work well ingredients, it makes a ball and let stand for half an hour. Apply with a rolling pin until thin enough, you Tagliani strips to be cut into strips more 'court, cutting and' diagonal not equal. Fry in hot oil and deep, right out the past quickly on absorbent paper and then immediately sprinkled with sugar (my grandmother did so) or when they are warm / cold with powdered sugar.
taken from the book "Bread, the pleasure of making bread at home" by Anna Gennari.
seiras I had the excellent fresh ricotta, then in addition to a sweet ricotta 'cause not even this bread when I stumble for a while' looking through the book and always return?
Here are the ingredients:
1 kg of flour 00
250 g cheese
50 grams of butter (I put half 'and half butter' oil)
15 grams of sugar (I put a teaspoon of honey)
20/25 grams of yeast (I put 20)
360 g of water
1 egg for brushing ( I added a little milk, I never use one egg for brushing)
20 grams of salt
Sunflower seeds, poppy seeds, etc. as desired.
meta I state that I did 'doses and then a single braid, with the entire dose is two pretty big braids.
I said that I put 20g of yeast by half 'dose I put 10 grams of yeast that is' if 20 I had full dose)
The mixture I have worked with Ken, but it 's very workable with the bread machine or by hand, but' it worked enough to obtain a bell'impasto smooth.
ken I put in the flour and water with the dissolved yeast, then honey, ricotta and mix unpochino I did, I loved the room temperature butter into pieces and oil, then salt. I did work for 11 minutes.
I made it rise in a bowl covered with a damp cloth and pelican kitchen as the book says and I did rise until doubled (about an hour).
I divided the dough into 3 parts from 300 grams one, I made three loaves and I formed the braid with the method of sisters like, ie 'I have woven a first half' and then the other ... as you can see from the photos. I put the braid on a baking sheet with parchment paper under the I brushed with beaten egg with milk and then I put the sesame seeds, I did an experiment with cumin and some parts empty. I put on a cloth and set to rise about an hour.
In a preheated oven at 180/190 degrees for about 45 minutes.
L'idea di questa crostata e' nata da un'amica che mi ha detto ha provato la mia torta alla ricotta (presente nel blog) aggiungendoci anche del cioccolato...da qui la voglia di fare una torta alla ricotta e cioccolato e di provare una nuova ricetta...ed ecco qui il risultato (quindi grazie Roby!:-)).
Ingredienti: Per l'esterno: 300 gr di farina 170 gr di burro 80 gr di zucchero 2 uova la buccia di un limone grattata un pizzico di sale un pochino di latte nel caso il composto risultasse troppo duro or dry (depending on the size of eggs you add milk or flour or anything ... or if you see the mixture and 'soft and smooth).
For the custard: 2 eggs
60 g sugar 350 g cheese
chocolate into small pieces (what you want and if you want to put it)
I worked the butter and flour mixture is a powdery, then I did a fountain in the middle and put sugar and lemon peel, a pinch of salt then I joined the beaten eggs and started to knead slowly taking more and more 'flour and butter of the fountain and started to work up to obtain composed of a homogeneous and smooth. I had a ball with plastic wrap and put in fridge for 30 minutes (my fridge cold much). I For the cream, beat eggs and sugar together then I ricotta and chocolate pieces. I took the pastry rolled out and I've lined a tin of 27 cm in diameter, I put the filling, I did not make the classic strips of dough over the tart, but it moves so if you want to do them. I bake at 180 degrees for about half an hour but I checked the color of the pastry and filling to see cook. It 'really good and greatly improves the next day.
Here's another great recipe Simili sisters. Taken from their book''bread and sweet stuff "and also seen and done during their courses. E 'bread simple, direct slurry, and it 'very good.
500 grams of flour 00 grams of water about 280
20 g yeast 20 g lard
10 grams of barley malt 8 grams of salt
The sisters teach their courses to prepare dough by hand into the bowl or directly on a work surface and that the 'very helpful because not everyone has the kind un'impastatrice ken or KitchenAid ...
Make a mound of flour, in the middle sbricila yeast, put the water and started to melt, even by taking just a little of the source of flour, add the lard and malt and only after you have a batter is combined with the salt that must NEVER come into contact directly with the yeast. Continue to knead until the dough is fairly soft and it works for about 8 minutes beats on a work surface. Without this cover and let stand for 20 minutes. We divide the dough, the recipe book says two, but if you want, you will be in 3 or 4 loaves of more 'small, then you make pallets from the form of loaves that are flattened with a rolling pin by obtaining the rectangles long. Roll up from long side and flatten with a rolling pin again. Put the strip obtained vertically in front of us and making sure that the coils are formed latinon tips. They put on a putting tip to rise against tip separated by a cloth (then place the pictures to the rise) and covered with another clean towel for about 40 minutes (but 'the rise should be checked because' seonda to vary the timing of the temperature in your home ...). Then prndono the pieces fall into two first recording with a good cutter, a cutter, and then the last part with a spatula (or knife) and put them into the pan with the edge upwards, is affecting with a razor blade or a cutter and in a preheated oven at 210 degrees for about 25-30 minutes.
forms seem difficult to read them in reality 'are easy. Just do it again I put the pictures of the various steps. You can also do other forms of course. The picture shows that I did indeed other forms. It 's good and fragrant.
Friday the 13th is the first film of the long saga di Jason Voorhees. Il film appartiene al genere slasher ed è del 1980, diretto da Sean S. Cunningham, fu fatto dopo il successo riscosso da Halloween, la notte delle streghe di John Carpenter. È ricordato anche per essere stato il primo film horror ad avere una sicura distribuzione da una major (la Paramount Pictures). Si rivelò un grande successo al botteghino che garantì una lunga serie di seguiti.
Nonostante la critica abbia attaccato il film, diventò uno dei più popolari film horror. Il successo al botteghino portò alla creazione di una lunga serie di film.
Il film è ambientato a Camp Crystal Lake, un piccolo campeggio vicino ad un lago, dove undici anni prima era annegato un bambino, Jason Voorhees. The camp was closed after it reopens all the time and when the children arrive, the mysterious murders begin to occur.
A terrible tragedy has been worn out at Camp Crystal Lake. Three decades later a group of boys went to the scene of the massacre in search of a field of marijuana to misappropriate the peaks with the intention to get rich. Camped in the dark forest, the five will be made out of a masked man. Six weeks after a young man named Clay arrives at Crystal Lake in his motion (a motherfuckin enfield!) To search for the missing sister. Will encounter in the snooty Trent has invited some friends to spend the weekend in the family villa that overlooking the lake.
Marcus Nispel, who was facing the film with its remake of a horror film (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre), returns to Camp Crystal Lake on the screen to bring the myth of Jason. It succeeds very well, mostly all of reinventing the style dear to the remake of Texas Chainsaw Massacre (filthy tunnels, traps breathtaking chases and frenzied, a retarded kid with a bag over his head would be able to make difficult, if not it was Jason .. .) rather than play the card of yellow (or the mother who kills to avenge his son) as it did Friday in the first 13 ... However a horror enjoyable, extremely violent, true to today's American cinema, which leaves out those few moments of breath just to see Where's My Car uninhibited, or stoned to fuck all the time or try to escape to the house screaming. And rightly are torn apart, because frankly, all those elements that screams ... but not enough to make the new Friday the 13th that cult, that was. However, will satisfy aficionados of every generation and always sweethearts who will believe in the hall to see that foul crap called "big love" -> go personally to sabotage every cinema in Italy tonight. Albakiara Why after watching, I just brought terror to learning that this film will be presented in full regalia on the day of s.valentino, with a background that asshole complains of unlistenable shit Baglioni (also present in the soundtrack: you must die), which had already ruined the symbol of the World 2006 (and certain Jason did not forget the atrocities). And now a similar story that happened at Lake Bodom ... eheheheh.
adequately prepared for the tour organized by the Cultural Druids, which will be held Saturday 4 and Sunday, April 5 c / o the Palazzo Ducale in Genoa or simply to reiterate that attend this event with great enthusiasm, I thought I'd advertise this trip (although they have all the official channels to do that - through a press office impeccable and very timely) and to clarify once again the esteem I have for them. I do not have reopened the blog to become a teacher in some ways of thinking (that's why there's a whole mob of priests, politicians and intellectuals of the last hour) but to continue a process that began several years ago. I just press that there is a continuity in the writing of this coarse thoughts bars, related to some good music (not even fucking want to improvise diggei or a "cultural conservative" against the vacuum advance) dispensing with some message that I hope is enough to stir some consciousness (otherwise then do not ask me in private clarifications, explanations or more information - stating that this practice strikes me yet I am very pleased eheheh). just comment here, but there you are ... However, it is worth pointing out that every single sentence is mainly the result of imagination, and completely false, completely separated from reality, if not completely useless, if not related to facts ... However, if even only one film that I have advertised, or if even one of my questionable verdicts has somehow your life easier (cheering, so to say, an evening), however, in fact, has not changed a damn. a fact, or rather of gitarella Concerts featuring this association, according to a simple belief, that ought to be extended in any cultural activity of every single fucking country, from local festivals to concerts for the chosen few (We are a cultural association and we deserve to be constantly reiterate ... Finally, if proof were needed (this may not be), that ours is a non-political and non-denominational, ie, neither left nor religious faiths, will never have any role in the choices we make ). not deny that initially I wanted to live individually this anniversary (il decennale della scomparsa di colui che ho sempre considerato una sorta di "secondo educatore"; tenendo conto che tale dipartita è avvenuta praticamente in concomitanza con quella reale del primo, mio padre) perchè temevo che tante, troppe persone avrebbero vissuto tale evento nel modo sbagliato, mitizzando il poeta, arrivando addirittura ad idolatrarlo, come avviene sovente, quando si parla pubblicamente di Faber. Sicuramente il mio piglio ironico, questa mia concretezza nel considerarlo Patrimonio Popolare non agevola questo, ne sono certo. Certe mi dichiarazioni, verranno mal interpretate dai soliti individui spocchiosi, che nascondono nella severità quello che Fabrizio ha sempre ripudiato: l'elite. Per questo motivo consacro questa interpretazione magistrale, di un personaggio disprezzato dalla solita intellighenzia ma che io invece mi onoro di ospitare: il grande blasco.
1975: Stavo ancora con la Puni, la mia prima moglie, e una sera che eravamo a Portobello Di Gallura, dove avevamo la casa, fummo invitati in uno di questi ghetti per ricchi della costa nord, come al solito mi chiesero di prendere la chitarra e di cantare, ma io risposi:"perchè invece non parliamo?" era il periodo che Paolo VI aveva tirato fuori la faccenda degli esorcismi, aveva detto che il diavolo esiste sul serio, insomma a me questa cosa era rimasta un po' sul gozzo, così ho detto: "Why do not we talk about what is happening in Italy?" stain! had decided that I had to play, then I broke the balls, I took a colossal hangover I insulted everyone and I got home, I closed here in the shed, and a drunken night I wrote AMICO FRAGILE
so I have not shit to do. It is therefore worthwhile to use their time and resources, rising spiritually. Each film failed to Boldini, is an anchor lost in their own spiritual path, how to pursue what is not there (which, that goes wrong, you end up in San Remo). But thanks to technology, even piracy becomes a process crucial to the powerful acculturation and fuck. In a system led to the collapse, in which the two main stations broadcast in prime time reality all'uninsono 2, in which the spot spot thank you so much that the DTT you sell it without applying any charge (thanks to fuck) and which one is not free even to pull the plug when the decoder does not work anymore (goodbye Eluana), might as well fight those who do not represent, in streaming. So on days like this, when my Algerian nature takes over, I'll tell these two stories (which should be transmitted in all homes, rather than spread illegally): 1) In a bar, the director Folman listens to the story of a friend, who tells him of a recurring dream: twenty-six dogs chase him through the night, dream of those witnesses twenty-six dogs that his friend killed himself during several night missions, carried out in Palestinian refugee camps during the war in Lebanon. Folman realizes with astonishment that he does not retain any memory of that war, while avendovi directly participated as a soldier. then began to meet and interview friends, comrades and a television reporter: the story of each one of them becomes a flashback, which always has a new fragment of the conflict. This series of evidence reveals Folman's memory by his memories, which become increasingly defined, up to the critical days of the massacre of Sabra and Shatila, where watched passively.
2) "Under the auspices of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Office Italy" the unexpected guest - the visitor a film by Tom McCarthy Walter is a college professor and widower who lives alone in Connecticut, has lost his passion for teaching, tries to fill the existential void, and the monotony wearily taking piano lessons. In New York to attend a conference on Third World countries, finds his old apartment occupied by two strangers in surprise: the young Syrian Tarek and his Senegalese girlfriend Zainab. There's half a real estate scam. Overcome the initial suspicion, not the two intruders had nowhere to go, Walter offers them to remain there for a few days. Tarek is struck by the kindness of the professor in turn affected the instrument played by the talented Syrian djembe, a kind of traditional drum. Between the two creates an 'unexpected complicity, so that Walter, who was fascinated by local jazz and world percussion, he began taking drum lessons from Tarek. Gradually Walter seems to find interest for life and desire to get back into the game. But one day his friend was arrested in the subway and brought to a detention center for illegal immigrants. Likely to be expelled. Walter is his only friend. And from Michigan, surprisingly, comes Mouna, Tarek's mother ...
ah in the film then went to see Phantom of the Opera ... ready!
"I undertook this journey to answer one question: Why heavy metal has been consistently stereotyped, rejected and condemned? What is clear to me, is that the metal is what we prefer to ignore, celebrates what we often deny and is sympathetic to what we fear most. And that is why the metal will always be a marginalized culture. Ever since I was 12, I had to defend my love for heavy metal against what qualified him a form of music to "cheap." My answer is that if the metal does not cause you to have this overwhelming feeling of power, and does not make you shiver in the back, then, I do not understand. And you know what? And 'the best. Because, judging by the 40,000 metalheads around me (at Wacken Open Air Festival), stiamo molto bene senza di te."
In order of appearance: Iron Maiden - The Number of the Beast Sepultura - Arise Lamb of God - Laid to Rest Blue Cheer - Summertime Blues Diamond Head - Am I Evil? Iron Maiden - Run to the Hills David MacDonald - Partita In C Minor - Chorale (written by Johann Sebastian Bach) Richard Wagner - Faust Overture Van Halen - Eruption Tim Renwick and Andy Caine - Ain't Got A Pot To... Rush - Working Man Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name Motörhead - The Ace Of Spades Children of Bodom - Needled 24 / 7 Motörhead - Killed by Death Twisted Sister - We're Not Gonna Take It Accept - Balls to the Wall Burn To Black - Hellspell Mötley Crüe - Girls, Girls, Girls Girlschool - C'mon Let's Go Arch Enemy - Silent Wars Dio - Heaven and Hell Venom - Bloodlust Slayer - Disciple Emperor - Inno a Satana Enslaved - Havenless Cannibal Corpse - Decency Defied Slipknot - (Sic) Metallica - Master of Puppets
How would Sepa, "a chapel." Tony Manero is a 2008 film directed by Pablo Larraín, winner for Best Picture and Best Actor at the Turin Film Festival. The film premiered in Directors' Fortnight at the 61st Cannes Film Festival ... And, in my opinion, should win every award fucking around, just like Mickey Rourke's Oscar worthy, even before seeing the wrestler distributed . "We are in 1979, in Santiago, Chile, the Pinochet regime in full: Raul Peralta, obsessed protagonist of the famous movie with John Travolta, spends his time imitating his steps and movements in a dance show which is held every Saturday in a night-club in the suburbs. The state of alienation in which the protagonist is experiencing, decided to do anything to be able to live as his legend, led him to make crimes more heinous and senseless, But that pass unnoticed. The slow and previous folly of Raul will eventually involve the people who are close. "
A desperate madness as it was previously that of Travis Bickle of Taxi Driver, interposed at Bateman's American Psycho, but without having a dowry, nor even the irony of the natural environment. and now just to remember the horrors of the Pinochet dictatorship, an old piece of Litfiba that describes very well the loss, the loss of identity and the natural cynicism that comes from a bloody dictatorship. Always hand in hand with the Holy Father, of course. Like the time I saw Bush and our Silviuzzo kneeling to weep over his coffin. beyond belief.
take this pause for reflection to exit the cast that makes me at home for about a month. During today I passed by Milk (biopic directed by Gus Van Sant stracciapalle what about the life of Harvey Milk, the first openly gay man to be elected to political office, who was assassinated in 1978, along with Mayor George Moscone, by a former advisor) to a film in which Tom "fucking impotent dwarf and a member of the cult of Scientology," Cruise, you try to overthrow the Fuhrer. Milk, famous for his struggles gay rights, is played by a masterful Sean Penn, in spite of myself, I had to leave with impunity in mid-film (because the audio was not in sync with the images and slinguazzate because too many men make me a little homophobic). Nothing against gay unions in Italy but we are not yet ready for it. First the Vatican, which would consequently in the bill (without the procreation of new minds to mold) in the second because I'm a bit unsightly. and here we have the appearance is everything. however it is known that in a democracy, each with its own ass, should be free to do what he likes best. Instead affix a limit even for that. Von Operation Wuster talks about Colonel Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg and aristocratic in his return from the African campaign in Germany after being seriously wounded in the eye and hands. On July 20, 1944 along with accomplices in the Army organizes an attack to kill the Nazi leader Adolph Hitler. Murder would be followed by the seizure of power in Berlin, taking advantage of the plan called Operation Valkyrie (Operation Walküre), originally intended to counter a possible Allied invasion from Normandy to Hitler is certainly not done well and to secure confirmation of the answer ' unfounded, the real possibility of the latter in front of his utmost confidence in Rastenburg meeting with him. The relocation of forces reservists The Plan is diverted to the takeover of the power centers of the capital. Von Stauffenberg will assume a central role in the plan: he will just have to carry out the coup and to assume the financial responsibility to place the explosive device intended to kill the Fuhrer. film which, after all, holds the attention turned on, I try to realize that this is the director of X-Men, X-Men 2 and Superman Returns and by virtue of the fact that Tom Cruise is portrayed as a lamb instead of a beaten Nazi bloodthirsty and treacherous (catvienauncancar).
Why do I get the impression that this bastard is portrayed as a hero, after a lifetime as one of many Nazi shit. The Reich would collapse within a few months in fact, and Hitler was on the verge of collapse. For anyone who has studied history at least the annihilation of the German VI Army at Stalingrad marked the first major military defeat of Nazi Germany and the beginning of the decline. However it's always nice to see a conspiracy in comparison to Hitler. but they had to place a charge of TNT in the ass well before. For further information:
nor the mine ended
and now a piece that took a blow to Hitler's (and who wish him to be even now, wherever he is).