As God intended. The north east production, which is nothing more that a set of those old western movies, a stage abandoned the facade of good cock Toyland. which stands on the ruins of what was the Glorious Empire. And now the scenery behind only debris, stones and mud. And dust. In the north east are alive only the wounds of the miseries of a precarious and insecure dictated by the impossibility of not being able to integrate. Like wolves, my neighbors, they wander among the stone quarries, scattered houses and anonymous shopping centers. Nobody around here gives you a chance to get out of this torment. But all the promise you. E 'by these implacable as logically impossible, born movies like that. I too would have distributed in a time when the people stoned. Just a nice holiday movie fuck. Among other things, a portrait of Salvatores is also quite faithful to the book. This novel I gave it to my father two years ago, for Christmas. The newspaper La Stampa and marked immediately by expressing strong opinions and sharp, so I immediately knew that he deserved to be read. A novel that is so much to me as the person with whom I shared. not celebrate Christmas this year. In my apartment there is no room neither for the crib or for the tree. "Because sometimes where there is no love, sometimes there is something else." this nihilistic plot: In a wasteland of the North-East Italy, including stone quarries, scattered houses and anonymous shopping malls, a father and son live. Rino Zena, unemployed and dogged, Christian educator, a teenager and so restless that folks would shun and humiliate the girls. Alone against the world and everyone, have a single friend: Four Cheese, offended by an unfortunate accident with a high-tension wires and obsessed by God, from the manger and a blonde pornodiva. United by a love visceral, Rino and Christian pull out a life proud that reacts to the bullying of others and the interference of social services. Within a night of rain and mud a little girl will forever change their destinies.
And now a piece that I gasa as a kid. in the central refrain is one of the coolest guitar riffs I've ever heard, at least lately. The video then is monstrous even if it concerns me as more reminiscent of the grandiose tomb Negramaro (Wait, wait, but that guy there is not that fucking bald Salento singing in falsetto? God how I hate him eheheh):
I state that the photo and 'footage that is ...' and 'one of my old photos, yesterday I made the rice but I had my digital camera and I have not photographed, update' the picture just do it again. This recipe is me 'has date with my dearest friend Antonio, and she' s been given by his grandfather, is a recipe for poor tradition told me that when he was young his grandfather did not have many economic opportunities and the cheese was so expensive, could afford a few times, often buying the''scabs''ie 'the skin of the cheese (or use one of the cheese the rare occasions when it bought). Here's the recipe: parmesan crust (they are quite common) Vegetable broth Rice Onion, leek or carrot, celery I cleaned scratching the scabs hard part with a knife to clean them well, then I made a fried celery with carrot and onion (sometimes I've used and I really like the leek), I cook and then I added the crusts cut into chunks (not small 1 cm to about 2cm ...). I waited a minute API always turning, and then I added the rice, mixed and blended with white wine (this addition of my friend's grandfather did not blend with the wine) and then I continued to cook it with stretching vegetable broth, salt and pepper. The flavor is like a risotto with parmesan, cream as part of the crust melts, and the remainder is' soft and good.
Last night I went to spritz the Zuni. I saw one of those shitty bands * (of course it is useless to specify that to write these considerations is not absolutely necessary to have heard) have dinner before the "long awaited" live set. 4 kids emaciated, haggard and vegan ate boiled zucchini, bread & water, sometimes oil and tomatoes to enrich the whole. I imagine that power may result from such a preparation, however this is the world we live in today and it is right also have to respect these gruppacci disgusting and deformed ... One (or one of them, with connotations shamelessly postgenderisti and far female) also wore a wire mesh of the damaged tour (ganzo!). It 'clear that he wanted to provoke me and make fun of me. But having received a good education and being only the second Refosco, I preferred not to spill his guts to the local continuing to observe smugly as you do when you encounter one of these subspecies of depressed songwriters and indie that battered the a thousand balls (Petrozza) cincondario kilometers. Well, the only answer I went to dinner with colleagues, opting for an appetizer of cold meats (ie Culaccia, culatello Zibello, Norcia ham, salami, and with capocollo pinzini) + tenderloin wrapped in bacon and red salt Colonnade Hawaii (giuro!) and a ball Montepulciano d'Abruzzo. Thanking the god of rock for saving me from another serataccia coated puffed and hope that even at that mongoloid Thom Yorke. Speaking of metal, here's the new video. really cool unprecedented. Is not that what we needed and we still need today? Who says no, it is clearly a fan of baustelle and is entitled to take the piss for his alleged diversity (which makes it much like Nanni Moretti).
Then this week I saw The Day the Earth Stood Still, or The Day the Earth, science fiction movies of 1951. I have examined before the remake arrived to upset as the last man on earth - which are spewing out of the cinema and cursing the entire human race). Washington. A flying saucer lands in a Washington park and population, although scared, the soldiers crowded around to watch the event. From flying saucer comes Klaatu, an alien who comes close to the military by bringing a little gift, a soldier, deceived by panic, shoot without thinking. Now comes the hard driving a giant robot, Gort, to the rescue of wounded comrade, disappearing with his laser beam all the weapons in the vicinity. Klaatu, after being taken to a hospital, escapes the control and, posing as an ordinary citizen by the name of Carpenter, takes refuge in the home of Helen, a young widow who keeps renting rooms. Klaatu Helen presents her son Bobby (which immediately makes friendship) and it leads him home by Elder Professor Barnhardt, the alien can rely on the luminary that the Earth will be destroyed by the Galactic Confederation (an entity keeps the peace through an army of robots that patrol the planets) if the world powers sought to extend the "war" (still common on Earth) to the other planets. Barnhardt, thanks to his knowledge, makes Klaatu is heard by a representative of the most important people on the planet to be able to convince them of the seriousness of the situation and then finally be heard, the alien gives a demonstration of his powers prior stopping for a short period, the electricity in the world. Helen's boyfriend, suspicious by the strange tenant and a diamond of unknown origin found in his room, the complaint with the police following an escape, where Klaatu is killed. Gort, the robot trusted, after discovering the death of mate, comes in "destruction" but Helen, advised by Klaatu, can barely had time to utter the historic phrase ("Klaatu, Barada, Nikto!") To lock ' Wrath of the robot. After retrieving the body of the master, Gort is able to restore his life thanks to the strange mechanisms on flying saucer. After recovering, Klaatu and Helen dismisses the Earth turns his ultimatum to the authorities before going on his flying saucer, and disappear forever into infinite space.
then cuntinuare to dream "slamdog Millionaire" (more filmissimo thermonuclear, set in India) where the aesthetics are the masters and the "fundamentalism" melodrama of Bollywood cinema, in which the virtuous hero defeats evil and saves the weak and in most rejoins the first girlfriend. which is known to be the only one that remains forever etched in olate of a boy. then certain emotions will not re never in life. Bha. there is to do some reasoning to end badly, dedicate ourselves to the plot rather nihilistic: Jamal, a boy raised on the streets of Bombay, which is participating in the quiz Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, the tension in the studio is throbbing and before an audience in disbelief the young person is to answer the last, decisive question, which could make him win 20 million rupees. Prem Kumar, host of the show, he takes a dislike to the boy, he comes off the road and no skills as a boy of such extraction can know all the answers. Jamal was arrested and questioned by police on charges of cheating, since then the students go through the stages of his life, he was a child road up the story with the girl he loved and lost.
Anyway, now that this government has banned all things (all while freeing the rest for themselves), what would come of Jerry Scott of the cane? It 's your final answer? Light it up? eheheh
I still have etched in your mind I suck, the expression of disgust on hearing public appointments Jerry Cala. All trash repudiated by the alleged intelligentsia, are being voraciously swallowed by Makka, who withdrew with impunity for years, convinced that listening solo la versione ufficiale, avrebbe sconfitto l'ignoranza che ci sta divorando. Invece la mia personale conclusione è che approvo maggiormente un Jerry Calà che non si vergogna di mettere in mostra se stesso, di girare un film riprendendo davvero l'arroganza che lo contraddistinse negli anni '80, scrivendo una storia che, pur trattando con forza il tema del divorzio, non teme il ridicolo. Se poi ci mettiamo come corollario 4/5 strafighe e qualcuno dei suoi tormentoni che lo hanno reso celebre, si ottiene forse uno dei recuperi delle commedie italiane anni '80, meno trascurabili. Umorismo senza pretese, certo, ma a mio avviso ben riuscito, perchè condito da una buona dose di autoironia, tutto sommato in linea con il suo "illustre" antecedente. Paolo Villaggio poi rimane un grande attore, checchè si dica, Don Johnson è sempre un piacere rivederlo all'opera e pure le musiche di Umberto Smaila, totalmente fuori dal tempo e quindi incredibilmente azzeccate con tutti quei sintetizzatori e sax plasticosi, contribuiscono nel complesso a creare un mood nostalgicamente trash (che richiamano alla mente purequalche indimenticabile interpretazione precedente di Eva Henger). E poi vedere Jerry dimenarsi in un night son sempre grandi soddisfazioni... Vabbè ho capito, passiamo alla trama: Giacomo detto Giagià, affermato agente immobiliare, stanco di una stressante vita familiare, con la moglie napoletana Francesca , e i due figli, che sistematicamente lo ignorano, decides to take the usual pause for reflection and return to the loft of his days as a single, complete with "water music." Among missed achievements, as he and friends are all separated parents and children problems to solve, James tries to resume a more serene life.
And now that the world stoned at this time (because of lights, the manger, and all are good, I'll be more good as well). that I give you this pearl. On December 3, Ozzy has fucked off 60 candles in the dark, which makes it even better dle fucking Elvis Presley. So far we have, right? bunch of 'Cecati snow.
Tutta una scusa per postare il nuovo video dei testament. comunque stamattina mi sono svegliato particolarmene spossato dal gin lemon, ma decisamente migliore come Uomo, in quanto ho avuto la possibilità di reunirmi ai massimo volume. Il bronson rimane un posto di merda con gente di merda convinta di essere a teatro anche quando osservano un concerto. ROCK. I massimo volume invece sono fighi, imponenti e decisamente attempati. Emidio clementi quando imbraccia il basso sembra un Eroe Partigiano. Speriamo uccida i suoi fans più altezzosi e risparmi me. che parlo durante i loro pezzi. ma che gli do pure da mangiare. Poi since I'm the only one able to understand the lyrics I can not afford (to apologize to those who have "ruined"?! the concert).
Then to crown it all, a light comedy light. tonight I'm going to see the sequel. with the ever-great Jerry Cala (lust). Jack is a college student twenty-six widely off course. On his birthday he decided to ask the parents a sum of money needed to live alone and get their independence. Jack ends like to live in an attic where he quickly undermined by Joseph, a former neighbor who claims to give Lessons on sex. Then enter into her life even Françoise, a girl he falls in love ...
There was the trailer for "I'm going to live alone, so I present this gem (extrapolated from the taste of the sea).
and now as usual, a video lover, for those like me who broke the fucking see rock concerts in theaters, and hopes that the return to marlene (la) revolt.
and just to remember how the assholes as micheal jackson coldghei that steal the songs in Albanian (in fact no Joe Satriani), a summary for those who see them go to the Arena of Verona, also a troiaio spending money.
And now, as they were the source of many disputes, a new piece of metal. Since, however, we have made peace and are being returned to their fans after 13 years of misunderstanding. (And as always beware index rock: it makes fennel and emaciated, not more intelligent than your peers).
ok, ok ... I go I talk about the silence and talk. Last Monday, I saw this film at Cannes mistreated, booed by the same critics who hailed it until yesterday. Even though I know for a fact that this film in theaters today, is a restored version than the one presented at the Festival. Anyway, give a shit. I make this film I had already demolished after the check, the sky above Berlin. A film that ch'ho used for 3 days to finish. But certainly a film with extremely spaccacazzo. Icon of that intellectual cinema held in high regard in France and especially in Veneto. A cinema and visionary dream that just convinces me personally, because of the aesthetic conflict too ostentatious. some are really shit, but the film is not evil. The film almost, save for a corner. Once a film so it would be dismissed with "nice photo". Or simply talking about the soundtrack, that it would be nice if it were not completely independent from the rest of the film (in the sense that they are issued only when the protagonist is wearing headphones, or 3 / 4 of the film). Ah, I forgot: bring up Nick Cave or Lou Reed in the movies, or Patti Smith is Paraculo and only serves to satisfy a portion of the paying public, certainly not to give added value to the film. But so be it. is intellectual and I take note. but I remain of the opinion that people like Wenders, lynch, gus van sant, or our own Antonioni and Fellini, are masters of everything overvalued.
And for that reason, humanity continues to Starmie on cock.
Photographer successful known throughout the world, Finn (Campino) lives a brilliant but somewhat disorganized. He never sleeps, her phone rings constantly and the music they hear in the headphones is practically his sole and constant companion. And when his life suddenly falls apart, Finn decides to abandon everything and go to Palermo, where he will begin a new and exciting life and a new romance.
I do not change. alternate to the limit few drinks. which then makes me recognize that have been glimpses of Palermo its mysteries and its wonders, will have been beautifully restored smile, that I will be a little too identified with the protagonist (a photographer to cry a lot and rather shy, introspective that never deviates from his favorite music and that despite the Success is obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bdeath). You see so often hit or brushed by arrows shot by a mysterious creature that pursues him (death). To mitigate this feeling is only part of the meeting with Flavia, a restorer committed on a large sixteenth-century fresco depicting "The Triumph of Death." framework phenomenal with many priests and Powerful pierced, that if I had a band of my own, as a choreographic image it would be nice ...
The year was 1979 when the Italian producers when Fabrizio De Angelis and Ugo Tucci, decided to follow in the wake of the success that the film "Zombi (Dawn of the Dead)" by George A. Romero was getting all over the world. Thus' the two opted for an attempt to rip-off of U.S. film and initially laid them their hopes in director Massaccesi Aristide (aka Joe D'Amato). Then their attention shifts to Lucio Fulci, who until then had never made films of the era Italian film critic genere.La harshly attacked the film, calling it largely a product of "butchery" or an imitation of zombies. But as with the right eye nihilists (mine), you feel immediately that with the Romero film, there is very little in common, apart from the title. E 'as the alternative Ghei who can speak ill of the metal just because it has roots in the burial of his collection of disks completely superfluous. that I've seen most of the zombie movie in circulation and I have the coolest records of the solar system (including the last of motorhead), I can tell you how things are. In ZOMBIE 2 (Flesh Eaters - ZOMBIE: THE DEAD ARE AMONG U.S.) is absent and the bee metaphor of social profesta inherent in Romero's zombie. In this film, the social criticism is entirely left out instead to let the source shine antropofobica brutal tribal cannibal undead. Morando Morandini, who harshly attacked the film, calling it an "instant movie in the wake of the Romero film. Effettacci, labile characters, no suspense. Harmful full-time "he had to fuck off as well, as the film went pretty good as well at the box office to become a cult. The success of this film, however, caused a dispute between Fulci and Argento (who was the producer and distributor in Europe of "Zombie" by Romero), which decreed a long period of enmity between the two Italian directors. Just in time of reconciliation and that is when Silver decided to produce the film "Mask of wax" that was to be directed by Fulci latter was sadly lacking (when, for one thing as Muccino, do not fare bad at all). ok I broke my fucking back Confidential information therefore goes directly to the plot. that is like trying to educate a broken sink. Caribbean island of Matul un'ispiegabile outbreak revives the dead who come back from the dead as beings without will only moved from their murderous impulses. One of these rangiunge New York on board a boat and attacking two police officers. Intrigued from happening a journalist and the daughter of a scientist go on site to investigate. Fear, death and horror will follow one another relentlessly since their arrival on the island is now overrun by voracious zombies. Zombi 2 is the Fulci film that runs at international level and turns the idea of \u200b\u200bzombie-movie introduced by Romero. Special effects treated (despite the budget) and impact aside, the film follows a logic all its own, even if she can 'seem at times even incoherent puts a strain on the viewer with rapid and unpredictable series of scenes charged suspense. Add to this step where time seems to expand in favor of the more sadistic voyeurism and the inevitable gore extreme, we have the full picture of film. Some smear technique is not missing, such as manifest error in the sequence assembly aquatic shark fight with a zombie, but that is just details that can not and will not detract from the film. In short, we are facing one of the greatest quotes dall'orrorifico touched the world of our national director. A film that every lover of the genre should see at least once in their lives.
Finally, the new slayer song that many of you still have not even heard. some say that the album will also be the last. What if I start to get nervous, yelling, throwing punches in the cupboard and throw away the table to the ground because it is not Can a band of the pieces as they stop suddenly. Their dark rhythms, their wicked riff, their violent lyrics and their gloomy covers however there will always serve as a warning to the scontatezza and the inconclusiveness of those who can barely hold in my hand an instrument, can not properly match the clothes, does not have any sort of innovative idea and break the balls well, "fuck the diggèi do here, I'm a fucking diggèi beyond." recognition by their supremacy and disappeared from this blobgs. the Makka will always be by their side, as long as metal parts us. Why not open-minded and never will be.
The picture is not 'beautiful, but these are some of the delights of Sicily we tasted in our weekend in Palermo, cannoli cake setteveli chocolate and pistachio, and cassatina cassatina baked ... I tasted a bit 'of everything ... a goodness' only .. Of course in addition to the ability 'of pastry (fortunately as guests of friends in Palermo have led us in the top ...) also first-rate ingredients contribute to these delights. I hope to return soon to enjoy this goodness ', and still others that we lack, in the meantime, this photo (along with our other friends) I will remember' that nice weekend in Palermo.
Eh is a good cappuccino and croissant can make a good start well a day ... especially if the horn and we do it at home and 'as good as that of the bar,' cause it will eat with a certain satisfaction ... The mixture
and 'one for the donuts that I have already', namely, 'the same mixture is used only once removed from the fridge and cut out the donuts is sText forms, this for the croissants should be''' 'a new job: the folds with butter. The doses are
1 kg of dough
200 g butter at room temperature
I stretched the dough to about 1 cm, I've had some slices of the stick of butter, I put forth on 'dough (not on the whole, I leave a few inches from the edge) then ho chiuso come una busta da lettera: prima il lato destro, sinistro, la parte bassa e alta, messo nella pellicola trasparente e in frigo per 15 minuti almeno, l'ho ripreso steso con il mattarello e fatto le pieghe come prima, di nuovo nella pellicola ed in frigo...ho fatto questo per 3/4 volte. Puo' accadere che si attacchi un po' al mattarello la pasta, a causa del burro che potrebbe un pochino uscire (pero' molto poco...), basta infarinare il mattarello.
Poi ho steso la pasta, ho ritagliato dei triangoli , li ho arrotolati partendo dalla base e ottenendo i cornetti, li ho fatti lievitare e poi in forno a 180 gradi. Si possono fare anche altre forme oltre ai cornetti, saccottini, trecce, girelle...
Mentre i cornetti were in the oven I made a syrup made with equal amount of water and sugar in a saucepan and put on the gas, and just 'I removed the thickened and I brushed the croissants just out so' remain lucid.
A well-made donut and 'a little whim that sometimes we take off, and since we had last night I want to put to work. The recipe 'for a pastry of Pistoia, which was given to Luvi and she' s got to me ed e' anche su panperfocaccia e anche su amicincucina. Ieri sera ho fatto un impasto con: (ho fatto meta' delle dosi originali, per le uova visto che erano piccole ne ho messe due invece du una e mezza)
500 gr di farina 75 gr di zucchero 75 gr burro 10 gr lievito birra 2 uova intere 200 gr acqua un pizzico di sale buccia d'arancia grattata e due cucchiai di rum
Ho messo tutto nel kenwood tranne il burro che ho messo a pezzi dopo che gli altri ingredienti si erano abbastanza amalgamati(ma si puo' lavorare anche in una ciotola usando le fruste elettriche quelle per impastare ) ho mandato a velocita' 1 per 8 minuti e ho aumentato a 2 per gli ultimi 2 minuti, ho cotrollato l'impasto, dopo 10 minuti era perfetto. Ho messo l'impasto in una ciotola grande e coperto con pellicola trasparente e messo in frigo per tutta la notte, circa 12/13 ore. La mattina ho steso la pasta come da ricetta l'ho lasciata alta 1 cm, ho usato uno stampo da biscotti tondo e per le ciambelline ho usato per alcuni un piccolo stampino tondo (che uso per fare il buco ai biscotti...) per altri (per provare la differenza) ho fatto un salamino e chiuso a ciambella, (questi li ho fritti per ultimi cosi hanno lievitato un pochino di piu') li ho fatti lievitare un'ora, in casa ho piuttosto caldo e questo tempo e' stato sufficiente. Li ho fritti in olio profondo, stando attenta alla temperatura, stavolta non l'ho misurata ma l'olio non deve essere troppo caldo altrimenti fuori prendono subito colore e sembrano cotti ma all'interno ci sara' una parte del composto cruda. Tolti dall'orio e rotolati nello zucchero. Io ho usato olio di semi per friggerli, e mi sono trovata bene, non hanno assorbito per niente l'olio in frittura, questo pero' e' dovuto molto anche all'impasto che e' ottimo. Con questo impasto e con i dovuti ''giri di piega'' si possono fare dei cornetti favolosi, ma per questo apro un nuovo post. Intanto godetevi i bomboloni...
I must make note that with this film in Vicari się good care not to make unnecessary or moralis from judging the characters that wander around the wonderful world of tuning. For this, I think: I hate them with all my might, considering it a sleeve of balls. They will think the same of me, with money they spend on a stereo, I've got I bought my car. that never changes for a bit yellow Ferrari with the mufflers and the rear wing. Balls! Vicari simply shows us their essences, leaving the viewer insights into the bow concussion. Valerio Mastandrea is fully engaged in a role that seems to have been sewn on and the young Cristiano Morroni gets along very well. Only for this reason deserves to be seen. Why are we talking about good cinema, considering that today is Sunday (tomorrow we die), that the sun is out and that all remain on facebook to chat. Rome. The owner of a garage always on the verge of closing assume, without pay, apprentice really good. Together they can develop a car ready to participate equally with the street racing that periodically take place in Rome in the area around the Obelisk. The two, together, know their stuff but a woman divides them. Sewn on a screenplay with Valerio Mastandrea with his eyes seemingly careless and attitude towards life that mixes detachment and involvement. A well-known reality in Rome and the rhetorical slogan "women and engines ..." for a film without being a masterpiece from beginning to end is followed by a little smile and reflect. With an ending that will delight (and desperation?) Of all fans of sports cars. " here backstage.
Poi tanto per distaccarmi dal cinema d'autore, questo filmetto ambientato in un night club in cui non è necessario sottoscrivere un'adesione forzata ad una "associazione di spettacoli e cultura" (un night?), per entrare. Ambientato in un futuro prossimo a venire, il film parla di un virus che il governo degli Stati Uniti ha fatto preparare per riportare in vita i morti. Il virus viene sperimentato segretamente in una piccola cittadina del Nebraska, e il luogo maggiormente colpito, risulterà uno strip club. Le ragazze si trasformano in zombie inesorabilmente, ma cercano di capire se possono lottare per fermare il processo di trasformazione Fatal ... obviously be seen in the family.
and now just to stay on ... (insured unbridled fun and laughter, the face of those who take it seriously, without being a dick, the Municipal Waste).
I take advantage of this weak wireless connection (of some near generation), which I discovered recently, to update the blog. Zurzin loudly requires the publication of a review of the only Italian film where I really wanted to play. Fuck that movie. Living proof that even in Italy it is possible to produce films with the balls, which can break down social barriers, freeing the animal in us. It 'also true that almost all films of Fandango movie are wonderful. And now I copy paste the story that I have a grilled chicken and some cold beer waiting for me. Before you shoot me one more nihilistic films of the week. George has twenty-two and a normal life. Exemplary law student and bored boyfriend of Julia, met Francis, who plays professional cheater heavy with women and cards. Francis, rescued by George during a fight, calls on students at the table, revealing the tricks of the trade very soon. Several partite di poker dopo, i due ragazzi accumulano denaro e frustrazione per quella provincia, Bari, che comincia a sembrargli troppo stretta. Allontanatosi dalla famiglia e trascurati gli esami, Giorgio sviluppa una preoccupante dipendenza da Francesco che lo condurrà a Barcellona e verso un abisso di violenza e perdizione.
Ed ovviamente per un film del genere, un video che merita (ma che non ho ancora visto neanche io). bho lo posto in anteprima ma sarà figo sicuro.