Last night I went to spritz the Zuni. I saw one of those shitty bands * (of course it is useless to specify that to write these considerations is not absolutely necessary to have heard) have dinner before the "long awaited" live set. 4 kids emaciated, haggard and vegan ate boiled zucchini, bread & water, sometimes oil and tomatoes to enrich the whole. I imagine that power may result from such a preparation, however this is the world we live in today and it is right also have to respect these gruppacci disgusting and deformed ... One (or one of them, with connotations shamelessly postgenderisti and far female) also wore a wire mesh of the damaged tour (ganzo!). It 'clear that he wanted to provoke me and make fun of me. But having received a good education and being only the second Refosco, I preferred not to spill his guts to the local continuing to observe smugly as you do when you encounter one of these subspecies of depressed songwriters and indie that battered the a thousand balls (Petrozza) cincondario kilometers. Well, the only answer I went to dinner with colleagues, opting for an appetizer of cold meats (ie Culaccia, culatello Zibello, Norcia ham, salami, and with capocollo pinzini) + tenderloin wrapped in bacon and red salt Colonnade Hawaii (giuro!) and a ball Montepulciano d'Abruzzo. Thanking the god of rock for saving me from another serataccia coated puffed and hope that even at that mongoloid Thom Yorke. Speaking of metal, here's the new video. really cool unprecedented. Is not that what we needed and we still need today? Who says no, it is clearly a fan of baustelle and is entitled to take the piss for his alleged diversity (which makes it much like Nanni Moretti).

Then this week I saw The Day the Earth Stood Still, or The Day the Earth, science fiction movies of 1951. I have examined before the remake arrived to upset as the last man on earth - which are spewing out of the cinema and cursing the entire human race).
Washington. A flying saucer lands in a Washington park and population, although scared, the soldiers crowded around to watch the event. From flying saucer comes Klaatu, an alien who comes close to the military by bringing a little gift, a soldier, deceived by panic, shoot without thinking. Now comes the hard driving a giant robot, Gort, to the rescue of wounded comrade, disappearing with his laser beam all the weapons in the vicinity. Klaatu, after being taken to a hospital, escapes the control and, posing as an ordinary citizen by the name of Carpenter, takes refuge in the home of Helen, a young widow who keeps renting rooms. Klaatu
Helen presents her son Bobby (which immediately makes friendship) and it leads him home by Elder Professor Barnhardt, the alien can rely on the luminary that the Earth will be destroyed by the Galactic Confederation (an entity keeps the peace through an army of robots that patrol the planets) if the world powers sought to extend the "war" (still common on Earth) to the other planets. Barnhardt, thanks to his knowledge, makes Klaatu is heard by a representative of the most important people on the planet to be able to convince them of the seriousness of the situation and then finally be heard, the alien gives a demonstration of his powers prior stopping for a short period, the electricity in the world.
Helen's boyfriend, suspicious by the strange tenant and a diamond of unknown origin found in his room, the complaint with the police following an escape, where Klaatu is killed. Gort, the robot trusted, after discovering the death of mate, comes in "destruction" but Helen, advised by Klaatu, can barely had time to utter the historic phrase ("Klaatu, Barada, Nikto!") To lock ' Wrath of the robot.
After retrieving the body of the master, Gort is able to restore his life thanks to the strange mechanisms on flying saucer. After recovering, Klaatu and Helen dismisses the Earth turns his ultimatum to the authorities before going on his flying saucer, and disappear forever into infinite space.
then cuntinuare to dream "slamdog Millionaire" (more filmissimo thermonuclear, set in India) where the aesthetics are the masters and the "fundamentalism" melodrama of Bollywood cinema, in which the virtuous hero defeats evil and saves the weak and in most rejoins the first girlfriend. which is known to be the only one that remains forever etched in olate of a boy. then certain emotions will not re never in life. Bha. there is to do some reasoning to end badly, dedicate ourselves to the plot rather nihilistic: Jamal, a boy raised on the streets of Bombay, which is participating in the quiz Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, the tension in the studio is throbbing and before an audience in disbelief the young person is to answer the last, decisive question, which could make him win 20 million rupees. Prem Kumar, host of the show, he takes a dislike to the boy, he comes off the road and no skills as a boy of such extraction can know all the answers.
Jamal was arrested and questioned by police on charges of cheating, since then the students go through the stages of his life, he was a child road up the story with the girl he loved and lost.
Anyway, now that this government has banned all things (all while freeing the rest for themselves), what would come of Jerry Scott of the cane? It 's your final answer? Light it up? eheheh
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