Eh is a good cappuccino and croissant can make a good start well a day ... especially if the horn and we do it at home and 'as good as that of the bar,' cause it will eat with a certain satisfaction ... The mixture
and 'one for the donuts that I have already', namely, 'the same mixture is used only once removed from the fridge and cut out the donuts is sText forms, this for the croissants should be''' 'a new job: the folds with butter. The doses are
1 kg of dough
200 g butter at room temperature
I stretched the dough to about 1 cm, I've had some slices of the stick of butter, I put forth on 'dough (not on the whole, I leave a few inches from the edge) then ho chiuso come una busta da lettera: prima il lato destro, sinistro, la parte bassa e alta, messo nella pellicola trasparente e in frigo per 15 minuti almeno, l'ho ripreso steso con il mattarello e fatto le pieghe come prima, di nuovo nella pellicola ed in frigo...ho fatto questo per 3/4 volte. Puo' accadere che si attacchi un po' al mattarello la pasta, a causa del burro che potrebbe un pochino uscire (pero' molto poco...), basta infarinare il mattarello.
Poi ho steso la pasta, ho ritagliato dei triangoli , li ho arrotolati partendo dalla base e ottenendo i cornetti, li ho fatti lievitare e poi in forno a 180 gradi. Si possono fare anche altre forme oltre ai cornetti, saccottini, trecce, girelle...
Mentre i cornetti were in the oven I made a syrup made with equal amount of water and sugar in a saucepan and put on the gas, and just 'I removed the thickened and I brushed the croissants just out so' remain lucid.
remember that this recipe was given to a pastry Pistoia Luvi , and 'also on panperfocaccia and amicincucina .
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