The year was 1979 when the Italian producers when Fabrizio De Angelis and Ugo Tucci, decided to follow in the wake of the success that the film "Zombi (Dawn of the Dead)" by George A. Romero was getting all over the world. Thus' the two opted for an attempt to rip-off of U.S. film and initially laid them their hopes in director Massaccesi Aristide (aka Joe D'Amato). Then their attention shifts to Lucio Fulci, who until then had never made films of the era Italian film critic genere.La harshly attacked the film, calling it largely a product of "butchery" or an imitation of zombies. But as with the right eye nihilists (mine), you feel immediately that with the Romero film, there is very little in common, apart from the title.
E 'as the alternative Ghei who can speak ill of the metal just because it has roots in the burial of his collection of disks completely superfluous.
that I've seen most of the zombie movie in circulation and I have the coolest records of the solar system (including the last of motorhead), I can tell you how things are. In
ZOMBIE 2 (Flesh Eaters - ZOMBIE: THE DEAD ARE AMONG U.S.) is absent and the bee metaphor of social profesta inherent in Romero's zombie. In this film, the social criticism is entirely left out instead to let the source shine antropofobica brutal tribal cannibal undead. Morando Morandini, who harshly attacked the film, calling it an "instant movie in the wake of the Romero film. Effettacci, labile characters, no suspense. Harmful full-time "he had to fuck off as well, as the film went pretty good as well at the box office to become a cult. The success of this film, however, caused a dispute between Fulci and Argento (who was the producer and distributor in Europe of "Zombie" by Romero), which decreed a long period of enmity between the two Italian directors. Just in time of reconciliation and that is when Silver decided to produce the film "Mask of wax" that was to be directed by Fulci latter was sadly lacking (when, for one thing as Muccino, do not fare bad at all).
ok I broke my fucking back Confidential information therefore goes directly to the plot. that is like trying to educate a broken sink.
Caribbean island of Matul un'ispiegabile outbreak revives the dead who come back from the dead as beings without will only moved from their murderous impulses. One of these rangiunge New York on board a boat and attacking two police officers. Intrigued from happening a journalist and the daughter of a scientist go on site to investigate. Fear, death and horror will follow one another relentlessly since their arrival on the island is now overrun by voracious zombies. Zombi 2 is the Fulci film that runs at international level and turns the idea of \u200b\u200bzombie-movie introduced by Romero. Special effects treated (despite the budget) and impact aside, the film follows a logic all its own, even if she can 'seem at times even incoherent puts a strain on the viewer with rapid and unpredictable series of scenes charged suspense. Add to this step where time seems to expand in favor of the more sadistic voyeurism and the inevitable gore extreme, we have the full picture of film. Some smear technique is not missing, such as manifest error in the sequence assembly aquatic shark fight with a zombie, but that is just details that can not and will not detract from the film. In short, we are facing one of the greatest quotes dall'orrorifico touched the world of our national director. A film that every lover of the genre should see at least once in their lives.
Finally, the new slayer song that many of you still have not even heard. some say that the album will also be the last.
What if I start to get nervous, yelling, throwing punches in the cupboard and throw away the table to the ground because it is not Can a band of the pieces as they stop suddenly. Their dark rhythms, their wicked riff, their violent lyrics and their gloomy covers however there will always serve as a warning to the scontatezza and the inconclusiveness of those who can barely hold in my hand an instrument, can not properly match the clothes, does not have any sort of innovative idea and break the balls well, "fuck the diggèi do here, I'm a fucking diggèi beyond."
recognition by their supremacy and disappeared from this blobgs.
the Makka will always be by their side, as long as metal parts us.
Why not open-minded and never will be.
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