Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How Does A Capillary Thermostat Work?


The cemetery is a place where good or bad or where we were all still end up more or less. My question is: "because the cemeteries are so ugly?". They are particularly horrible and kitsch. We want to talk about those who put the fake flowers in vases, but by rather not make anything. In the cemeteries, there is this cold gray marble everywhere, imposing, full of photos and written oval. I find it just awful. If things are going smoothly the cemetery is the place where we spend most of our "life" in short, is a place to stay forever ... I do not want to stay forever in a place so bad. And to think that it would take so little to make it more carino. Ad esempio in  un paesino vicino a quello in cui ho la casa in montagna c'è questo cimitero bellissimo, molto semplice e ordinato. Le croci sono in ferro battuto e i fiori a terra sono semplici, colorati e sempre puliti. Non ci sono scritte maestose o brutte statue; passeggiando tra le tombe si vede la valle e le montagne e questo di sicuro è un punto a suo favore. C'è quasi sempre una signora che innaffia tutto, che riordina i sassi lungo il percorso e che si prende cura di quel piccolo spazio. 
Anche il silenzio lassù a più bello, è più silenzio e quel posto tutto sembra fuorché un posto triste.

This is not the cemetery of the village of which I spoke, what I could not find the photos. This does not seem like much, but still a quiet place.

writing these lines came to my mind another amazing cemetery I saw in Tunisia Overlooking the sea, all the tombstones and white the drawings that seem written in Arabic. A road passes through the housing and facing him. It 's a magic place: you hear the wind, wildflowers touch le pietre e di sottofondo il rumore del mare.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Where Can I Watch Kutumb Episodes

Somewhere, I'm here too. The last thing

Live from Alcalà de Henares, Spagna. 
Scrivo solo per far sapere che non sono morto. Se vita si può chiamare lo stare da 4 ore su un letto a vegetare. Questa faccenda di vivere tutti i giorni stava iniziando a diventare un po' impegnativa. Così siamo scesi a compromessi: viviamo un giorno sì e due no. Qua è pieno di gente molto più in forma di me che tra poco prende un treno, va a fare serata a Madrid e torna con il primo treno della mattina, o forse col secondo o terzo.

Maybe we'll try tomorrow night. Today is not everything.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Removing Spilled Fragrance In Car

The last thing I do before falling asleep is to imagine incredible stories. The last thing I do when I use the computer and check the university website. The last thing I do when I'm in the shower and spend the jet on the face. The last thing I do before leaving home is to go back to my room because I forgot something. The last thing I do when I finish a book is to write my name and the date the first page. The last thing I do before leaving for a trip is kissing my cats between the ears. The last thing I do after a meal is too abundant smoking a cigarette. The last thing I do when I hear a song I like is it start from scratch. The last thing I do. The last thing I do when I face is something to convince myself that nothing is happening and who is sending me signals that my body does not exist. The last thing I do when I brush my teeth and drink a little 'hot water. The 'last thing I do when I write an email and review it casually and do not realize the errors.
I'm thinking what are the last things I did but I realize that it is the latter that come to mind.
definitely prefer the first things they are a start.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How To Make Jeff Hardy In Poptropica

The first thing I do when entro in casa è togliermi le scarpe e dire "una cosa alla volta". La prima cosa che faccio quando accendo il computer è controllare la mail. La prima cosa che faccio quando salgo in macchina è tirare giù i finestrini. La prima cosa che faccio quando arrivo in palestra è cambiarmi le scarpe e infilarmi le ginocchiere. La prima cosa che faccio quando mi sveglio è la pipì, mentre quando la sera mi infilo nel letto è sistemare i cuscini. La prima cosa che faccio quando cucino qualcosa è preparare tutti gli ingredienti sul tavolo. La prima cosa che faccio quando ho in mano un libro nuovo è leggere le ultime due parole e quando ascolto un cd nuovo è seguire i testi delle canzoni sul libretto. La prima cosa che faccio quando conosco una person has forgotten his name and when I get confidence is to make a sour joke. The first thing I do when I get a lesson is to have everything you need on the little bench, the first thing I do in an exam is a deep breath and when I get home after a sleep test and store notes. The first thing I do when I'm in my hands a plastic object and smell, the first thing I do when I'm home alone is open all the windows and turn on the music. The first thing I do when I get back from a trip is to look at the photographs and the first thing I do when I arrive in a foreign land is to look curiously like you call the local phone company. The first thing I do when I go out to sea and lick the salt from his hands.
The first thing I do when I see a space is to feel the need to fill it with words.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Messenger For Mac Screen Name Keeps Changing

The first thing I have to do man

E 'for three days as the member of the blog, and we also say of life, is gone. We're just beginning. He promised to write post but I will not do (I'm teasing). I do not know anything at the moment, I know he is alive and say that for now all I need. I am in Pavia with Carlotta, I make the life of an independent woman, in short, a woman who does not have a man who comes to take the house, which accompanies around, offering her a drink. I do not mind, except that I was not accustomed to it, so I did a bit 'weird. I was not accustomed to driving at night, I handle situations. Let's say that in my house I always have a little 'me man, just me and my mom and then the work force are always up to me and have a man next to me has always allowed me to do some' the woman. Perhaps I'm a tomboy and so I stay. These days I'm back a bit 'past the side of man, let's see what happens.
However, if someone wants to come get me or give me something to drink no problem, I'm here.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Port Royale 2 Stupid Patch

Brainstorming - Christopher Rau Puddhu @ Bar 25 - 02 - 2011 ... event's feedback ... The Kikka

After months of listening to the headphones of my iPod or PC speakers ... after the first purchased "Asper Clouds" and then discovered his previous productions on Smallville Records, Freund der Familie Aim and behold recordings I happen to hand the wheel of an evening organized by the guys at the ChinaSurprise Puddhu bar of Turin, peak
Murazzi Po ol 'club, the event is free entry and the host is extremely valuable. Christopher Rau.

"Born in the south of Germany, Christopher Rau chose Hamburg as his city of residence. His productions blend perfectly with the style that identifies the sound house of this port city mainly represented by the labels Dial and Smallville. Just Smallville at the end of 2010, he released his debut album Clouds Asper, presented after the previous collaboration with Jacques Bon, Cloverleaf Days, and the recent EP Meadows, made with the whole group of Smallville. Asper Clouds is characterized samples and references to jazz piano, around which he builds his house Christopher Rau introspective and personal. " RA

Christopher Rau is certainly one of the pleasant surprises the underground new wave which has invaded Europe. I was just me to say it would not matter a shit course but putting his name on google and start searching, what stands out are the compliments that the boy is receiving around the world and of esteem for him by DJ Producer and websites in the industry from all over the globe.
The extreme consistency of her album and its production of rough but elegant, never commonplace even in the use of voice here and there, something not easily achieved in this increasingly electronic world, repetitive use of samples, did not give me thinking of him as a good disc-jockey .. however, also live, surprise ... there was salt in CR console even after 2.30 but enhances the public immediately and never giving a techno fun without all the frills that lately seem to be increasingly the only weapon and a
Serchio dj who basically never know where you going with this difficult crowd to enhance Italiot .
T-shirt blue eyes staring at the console, bouncing back and look from a humble guy who does not make music scene but the music ... .. and ... we did umpf late Friday night, already, and we finally enjoyed a good groove techno, welcoming the commitment of someone who is not the image or the show that matters .. but the beat, the rhythm of care first of all ... a bit of experience even and nothing will prevent kids like Christopher di continuare la loro salita verso una grande carriera..
Io ci credo..
track advice
"Capri" - Asper clouds, Smallville records

Outbreak Of Spots On Stomach

/ 6

Non è che infilandoti le penne nel culo diventi una gallina...

( Tyler Durden - Fight Club , Chuck Palahniuk)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Microwaves On Ucf Campus

Rearrange and clean

Every now and then decide it's time to do the cleaning, re-order to put everything in place or in the new place we have decided for them. We wash the car, the house, ourselves. The clean machine is one of the things that gives both more and less satisfaction. It 'nice to spend the bodywork on the strong jet of water and see the dirt that is left to take away, it is not nice to know that two days later it was business as usual. Sometimes it's a bit 'a rip off because it looks pretty clean but, as soon as the sun beats on me, you find that it is still a little' dirty, you've taken everything there was to remove dirt and so does simply accumulate. The house however is another matter, maybe it's easier because there is always a place to hide everything. Clear all collect things in a mess and if you do not know where you can hide them, you can put them in the bottom of that drawer that reorder again. And when it's time to reorder your answer just those things that drawer to another drawer, and finally, do not rearrange ever. Here, I think we're a little people 'as a machine to clean or tidy a drawer. Every now and then it's time to clean even ourselves we can do it in the simplest of ways, making a beard, waxing, putting the cream on her legs, changing hairstyle. Or you can go a little further and decide to empty the drawer also in reserve. Every week I decided that now is the time to change things in my room and pretty much every time I do it. In fact I know that what really needs to order me and I continue to fix everything around me for not having to empty my tray.
Now I must go, I left in mid-shuffle the cabinet.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Unheated Rack Of A Broiling Pan

good trip ... Conversations between pairs

Tomorrow morning, good morning, I leave for Alcala. Two weeks of a strange thing called Erasmus Intensive Programme on "Financial Communication." Do you know as soon as possible? Me too.
I have not understood what it is, but I'll find out soon.
In the meantime I do not know whether and to what extent I can update the blog. I will do everything possible, I promise.
Back in mid-March if I'm wrong 15. A few days before I reach the Maddy and will spend a few days in Madrid with a little 'friends. Then again here, at which point it's time to get serious in the thesis. For now, I'm trying to figure out what will be the topic.
But we'll do in a while '. Now, Spain!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Honda Pilot Rear License Plate Bracket

Last night I was eating pizza in a 'pretty unique pizzeria di Pavia. To gain score tables are much too close and so it is impossible to have a conversation private. My table was exactly between the two sets, and so between bites and the other listened to their speeches. To my right there was this couple about thirty, at a guess I set a couple of years, were also addressed in confidence and a bit 'in tone. She seemed sweet, occasionally fed him, smiled, gave him tips on the cake, he was simply unbearable. And ugly. And obnoxious. At one point he brought up, seriously, a haunting question: has asked how he would make a chocolate cake if she were on a 'deserted island. She laughingly said that he did not know that on a 'desert island the chocolate cake was not so crucial. He clearly annoyed l'ha accusata di non avere spirito di soppravvivenza e, con un'aria supponente e saputella insieme, si è messo a spiegarle il criterio di ricerca degli ingredienti. Io sono rimasta un po' allibita. L'istinto di soppravvivenza mi sembra un buon criterio per scegliersi una compagna, soprattutto se si tratta di una torta al cioccolato.
Alla mia sinistra invece c'era questa coppia sui quarant'anni, lui a un certo punto l'ha guardata e le ha detto: "Sei molto elegante questa sera". Questo mi ha fatto capire che non si trattava di suo marito e nemmeno del suo compagno. I due avevano una certa confidenza ma nel corso della serata si è capito che non si conoscevano poi così bene. Io sono arrivata alla conclusione che semplicemente questi two every time they go to bed with him and feel a little 'man every time the door out to dinner, makes the compliments and makes her choose the menu, from appetizers to desserts, including wine. Wish to compliment her for more said that I have never been so fat, weight was 58 pounds.
I was in the midst of these strange assemblages and some 'and smiled a bit' shook his head. Who knows how it ended their evening, who knows what will happen in their lives.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Certificate Authority Generator

I'm getting old

There are a few 'things that make me realize that I'm getting old, yes, even at 23 years is a bit' old, for example, is older than those who are 15, 18, 20 ... In my volleyball team we are 3 or 4 or 8 old and 9 young, 3 or 4 or 8 or 9 high school and university. In the changing room, the difference is abysmal. I put my vest, they do not, they have to belly out even in December. I put the striped socks pulled up to the knee, they have micro socks that do not even ankle. I put the so-called normal underwear, thongs bring them invisible even to go to bed alone. I put to train magliettoni Dick, perhaps with members of their shirts in a push up. I'm getting old because they are no longer capable of doing an evening without having the day off, and are not even sure that I need to recover. When ero giovane ero capace di dormire due ore per notte e poi essere pimpante e fresca come una rosa. Ora no, non se ne parla neanche. Ora se esco di casa con i capelli bagnati mi viene il torcicollo (continuo a farlo per convincermi di essere ancora giovane), prima potevo farlo in qualsiasi stagione. Ora arrivo alla sera stanca. Ora mi addormento a metà di ogni film, prima potevo guardarne due di seguito. Prima soppravvivevo senza sonnellini pomeridiano, ora non più.
Mi rendo conto che sto invecchiando soprattutto perché, se tutto va come deve andare, a luglio sarò laureata, di nuovo, questa volta definitivamente. Da quel momento secondo me, quel poco di vitalità e di gioventù che resta nella mia vita svanisce. Non avrò più tempo e questo mi spaventa. Io ora se voglio andare via tre giorni posso, non ho nessun vero vincolo e questo mi piace. Appena metterò piede nel fantomatico mondo del lavoro saranno gli altri a gestire il mio tempo. Ecco questo mi fa sentire vecchia. Nel mondo del lavoro magari sarò io la più giovane e allora per far storgere il naso a quelle vecchie davvero metterò magliette aderenti  e lascerò uscire dai pantaloni microscopici perizomi.

Monday, February 21, 2011

White Broccoli Pizza Calories

a different story. Little things that I love

Abbiamo sentito per giorni parlare delle migliaia di profughi che sono arrivati a Lampedusa nei giorni scorsi, per lo più come conseguenza delle rivolte in Egitto e Tunisia. 
Abbiamo visto gente disperata affogare in mare e gente più fortunata ( ma quanto? ) riuscire ad arrivare in Italia e a farsi ospitare nei centri di accoglienza. Notizie che bene o male sentiamo da sempre, e che ormai non ci dicono più niente di nuovo.

Forse perché i giornalisti ormai non si prendono più la briga di dedicarsi alla parte più affascinante ma anche più difficile del loro mestiere: raccontare storie. Nessun telegiornale trova lo spazio di dedicarsi alle vicende di questi disgraziati, e nessuno pure parla di chi a Lampedusa ci vive, e si trova periodicamente invaso da migliaia di persone in cerca di un lavoro, di una nuova vita, di un po' di fortuna. Un bel paio di tette o il sorrisone di plastica Morandi are usually considered the most interesting topics.

So, for example, we lose the history of Imed, high school teacher and clerk in a factory as Benetton. Two jobs for a total of € 300 per month in salary. A man of fifty, a graduate, who is ashamed of failing to support his family, and decides to try to find a job, probably much more degrading, and in Europe. He sailed for Italy, but his goal is to Germany: a place to find any, live with the bare essentials and sent the rest to his wife and children living in Djerba.

But we also lose the other side of the coin: the Lampedusa. Which are divided between those who vote the League or trying to escape from the island and those who go to the bakery and buy bread twice, to bring a bit 'in the reception centers. Those who meet an Egyptian who gives alms, led him to the bar and have coffee and cannoli.

I got to hear this case and other stories, and I am a bit 'felt obliged to tell her to remember (but also to remind ) that is not all flat and monochromatic as seen on the news or read newspapers. That there is always more, and often go Lost are the best and most significant details.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Vanessa Hudgens Fotos

I love the sun coming through the window in the morning and I love my cat lies down in that segment of the light. I love waking up with a lot of hungry and overeat at breakfast, in general I love breakfast. I love passing the hair in my hands and I love to put on my overalls when I get home. I like the cat waiting for me at the door and Bruno wagging. I love notebooks and I love to sing in the car sorted. I love my Vespa in the garage closed and I like to think that one day I will again caress the asphalt. I love the team game and sometimes I love to stay home alone. I love to finish a book because I love the idea of \u200b\u200bstarting another. I love the evenings I love the evenings in the company and you do not end up saying more than bullshit. I love loud music and dance by jumping when I'm alone. I love having the tickets in the hands of a much anticipated concert. I love to find a letter in the letterbox and I love him even more if the address is handwritten. I love to see the papers filled with writings, drawings, doodles. I love the wind, I love it when it is strong, when you hear its sound. I love the sea and love above all its color and its elegant sway. I love waking up rested. I love to see the house clean after strenuous cleaning. I love the colors of the flowers and I love to have a lot at home. I love watching cartoons because it is not true that they are only for kids. I love wearing the latest purchase and I love the tennis shoes worn that trampled many pieces of the world. I love the ball because every time I am surprised the amount of sports you can do with that ball, because I love children enough to be happy. I love to see the mountains on a clear day and I love the summer downpours. I love the focaccia in Genoa and cannoli. Often the things I love are the simplest, most trivial, and that's why it takes so little to make me smile.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wax Before Straightening


Today I went to Milan, the ILO, international travel bag. The fact that the name BIT let me remind Immanuel Casto is another thing. I had never been fair in Milan: it is almost surreal is made of these structures all shiny and all wrong that are not even ugly. Here and there there is some artificial lake, hideous sculptures and bar chains. I can not say how big actually, I just know that losing a game. Today was divided into zones: Italy, World, and I do not remember what it's called the third. The fairs I've never liked them so much, there is too much the same thing and eventually you go a little bit confused. Today, the BIT turned people dressed in a characteristic way, there was Radio 24 live, there were those who danced, who sang ... in short, a mess. In this section, each country world tried to reproduce the atmosphere and, in two steps, goes through the 'India to South Africa,' Islanda a Cuba, dalla Germania all' Australia. Tutti distribuivano pacchi di cataloghi e cercavano di coinvolgerti. Io mi sono fatta fare un tatuaggio all'hennè nello stand dello Yemen e mi sono fatta venire un' incredibile voglia di viaggiare. Io non ho visto il BIT come il nido dell'economia, ma come un posto per sognatori. Ci voleva un po' meno casino. Un' altra cosa che non mi è bene chiara è perché tutti, ma proprio tutti quelli presenti erano vestiti eleganti: uomini in giacca e cravatta e donne in gonna e tacchi. Chissà perché. Quasi tutti erano da soli, forse pensavo di andare lì a cuccare. Non lo so. Io per dieci minuti oggi mi sono innamorata. Mi sono innamorata di un ragazzo che dava cataloghi nello stand di qualche posto Eastern Europe, I do not know where, I have not read the name, I looked at him. I bet he would love Charlotte. He had blue eyes and dreadlocks lunghissi collected very well tanned and full of bracelets, gentle, smiling. I will stop here. Then I got carried away by the casino and now they are decidedly tired.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Glory Holes In Sacramento Ca

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

How Long Go Down Body Fat %

Valentine's Day. The lovers' holiday, so they say. The feast of marketing, so it seems to be. I have never celebrated this day, I do not know why. I think I was always in girlfriend on Feb. 14 of last year but I have never celebrated the same. I never liked the idea of \u200b\u200bthis festival. I do not like to think that two people have to prove all their love "alone" on this day. Let me explain. Today I saw a couple of gentlemen on 50 years, holding two red roses long long. There. I wondered if by chance in some other occasion they were presented with flowers at home, in short, if this it also happens on a given day. They brought a rose to their mates by love or by habit, almost out of duty? Maybe I'm pessimistic but I doubt very bad and that the gentlemen present themselves often come home with flowers in hand. Maybe instead of wrong, hopefully. Maybe just those two gentlemen are the best love in the world. I do not know. I always liked making up stories about people I see, even for a second. I think every day that two people who love to wake up together and are happy to be a day for celebration, every moment, because you do not know for how long. Ale and I often we make the cards, so, at random: we look, we smile and we take the good wishes. Every day, if things go as you want, is a party.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Can Rabbits Eat Grapefruit

Today I went for that interview above . I woke up early, got ready calmly I have not shaved, and an hour before the appointment abundant (in Milan) The Maddy has gone from my house and left. The Navigator (an incurable optimist) foresaw the arrival of a half-hour, but as soon as I arrived just in time. In a bad mood, among other things, why go in the car with the rain is one of the things I most hate.
Beyond the traffic on the way it should be pointed a little episode: a few kilometers from the arrival, I feel an irresistible impulse itchy forehead. I scratch and I come off a little scab right between the eyes, a bit 'above. I lose a liter of blood, a tissue transformed into a work of Pollock, and-few-minutes later I find myself with a red dot on his forehead that look like an Indian woman with tilaka .
The conditions are good. We arrived, parked, and we are sure this building to all nice and clean again. So new that came to the porter, a man in uniform tells us that the building is empty, still under construction. To which we move about thirty yards away and finally we come to the right place.
Arrived porter in a Asian lady of about fifty seizes me the identity card, sends Maddy into a corner of preventing it from entering, and handed me a badge magnetic which exceed the turnstiles.
I climb in the elevator , I press the button that says (10) but then in general go down to the stunning second floor. Look again and finally I reach the office of G ******, ******* And this lady in my mind is a little old woman with a 'beard and a flannel skirt. Instead I enter this office and I accept this cunt here, that in a few estimates have twenty-six / twenty-seven.
E 'already The second time (out of two experiences) that I find particularly nice sorting. When ever single return, I will spend my days doing interviews around the world. In any event, then this will tell me to have thirty-one years.
I am a bit 'of questions, all trivial, as you see yourself in five years, trying to convince me to take you, tell of your work experience and crap like that. Then he takes me down by two men known as "the -managers" (where the reads the ), which makes me a bit 'more technical questions, trying to figure out if I have some vague idea of \u200b\u200bwhat both the finance and what are the banks, etc..
One of them, detailing all prissy and falls in love with me. The other, Southern and tragic speech defects, is much more skeptical. The first one even asks me what kind of career I want to do, that is, which area of \u200b\u200bthe management vacuum, and if the marks on my cv. The other, however, continues to ask me if I would be interested to become a computer programmer, I keep telling myself that no, I do not care, and he keeps telling me that it is important to learn to program and continues to wonder if you really have never had an experience of programming, if I do not like, if you really do not know ... I mean
. I go out a bit 'try, after a total of about un'ora e mezzo di colloqui. Io mi sono giocato le mie carte come se quello fosse il posto della mia vita. Loro hanno detto chiaramente di aver bisogno di un bel po' di persone. Ho l'impressione che tra qualche giorno mi chiameranno. Alla fine, non ho ancora capito se sono interessato o no. Probabilmente no. 

In ogni caso, vi farò sapere.

P.s.: come qualcuno avrà notato, i miei post hanno sempre il titolo in maiuscolo, mentre quelli della Maddy hanno il titolo in minuscolo. Però mi sono un po' stufato di questa abitudine, quindi questo potrebbe essere l'ultimo mio intervento con il titolo in maiuscolo: immagino che However now you have learned to recognize. Or at least to look below left where it says the author;)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Birthday Cake Ideas For 25th Birthday

job interview tomorrow. The radio on television

Tomorrow I'm going to do a job interview.
's the second of my life. In the first case also.
Even if I assume 99% waste. I have yet to graduate and I have other projects in mind for my future neighbor. If we come true, this is another story ...
The work in question do not really know what it is. The company is in the Group. Something that deals with IT services. I do not know what it means, I just realized che non si tratterebbe di andare a sostituire il bancomat quando è guasto: sarebbe qualcosa di un po' più interessante. Quanto più interessante non lo so: conto di scoprirlo domani. Nel frattempo neanche mi sono fatto la barba, anche se magari domattina mi sveglio preso benissimo, mi sbarbo e mi vesto tutto preciso. Poi vado lì, mi fanno una di quelle domande assurde tipo quanti ascensori ci sono a Milano, e io rispondo 3 milioni, e loro mi dicono peccato signor Chiozzi, in bocca al lupo per la sua ricerca di un lavoro.

Questo è un post un po' inutile. Avrei voluto metterci una mia foto un po' seria, di me, vestito bene, con la giacca e magari gli occhialetti, tanto per dare sense. Unfortunately, a picture like that does not exist, and most do not know where my hard-drive enclosure with the entire story in my computer version. A life reduced to sequences of zeros and ones. Bah.

(I had already decided that I wanted to put a picture ...)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Baby Headbands Ontario

Yesterday I was drinking a coffee in any bar Pavia and, as in almost all bars, had turned a 'huge television in the middle of the room. The broadcast TV version of RTL: basically the programs and music are the same ones that are broadcast in radio see more videos of songs and see in live conductors in their closet with those huge headphones typical of the presenters, so if you call, radio. I did not really understand if this "see the radio" I like it or not. We say that is nice to see what goes on behind the scenes, how things work, how the physical place where everything happens. It 'very ugly look at the faces and gestures of the conductors that are probably not used to the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing seen and then behave in a spontaneous way and perhaps not always appropriate to what they are saying. I mean you really understand what they think while they are doing their job.
What does not like is the revelation of the secret. The radio has a nice, a bit 'like a book, allow the to imagine, imagine what you want and how you like it. You like to think that the broadcasts are transmitted from a raft in the sea? No problem, you can. In the midst of green grass? Ok. Watching that program but you realize that the conductors are locked in a dark closet, with thousands of cables that run and that there is nothing romantic. In fact it all seems very cold and static. The 'other nice thing about radio is that you can listen to wherever you want, without power, space and the like. Just have a little box with an antenna and you can get carried any story, any song. Well, perhaps I prefer this side a little 'magic of radio. I love what comes out and I do not care where it is being born. Preferisco pensare che chi parla in quel microfono sia in mezzo al vento piuttosto che in uno stanzino nero.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Artiste Ring Scott Kay


Mi emoziono per piccole cose, a volte banali.
Per esempio, ancora oggi, anche se ormai sono passati più di due anni, io ogni volta che lo sento parlare mi emoziono ancora. Mi emoziono a pensare a questo uomo, che sembra poco più che un ragazzo, sia lì a guidare la Nazione più potente del mondo. Mi emoziono ogni volta che i telegiornali lasciano per un paio di secondi la voce profonda e rassicurante di questo signore, prima di soffocarla sotto a traduzioni o a brevi e banali riassunti.
Mi emoziono anche when I see him with a broken lip because he took an elbow playing basketball. I get excited to see his face clean, her smile, her skin black.

"There is not a liberal America and a conservative America
- there is the United States of America.
There is not a black America and a white America and Latino America and Asian America
- there is the United States of America "

Monday, February 7, 2011

Melted Plastic Bag Smell

Got questions

What will happen when the license plates of cars will be finished, or come to" zz999zz? As the car stands in the reserve? Why is he always wearing clothes Marcuzzi shoulder? Why Facebook does not create a decent chat? Because the nails are so good to eat? "How does the yeast to rise above and pushing up everything it touches? Why are plants that need water are called" cactus " ? The thing with cats purr? Because almost all women want their man will make you grow a beard? Why pink is a color to be female? What is the difference between Coca-cola light and the zero? Because tattoos can not be equal? Because all the phones have different battery? Because there is no 'one big phone company at all so you only need one phone? Why is the sky blue? And above all, where do you start the sky? Why draw the stars with five points and the sun with many rays? Why do cats bring bad luck blacks? Why do newspapers have begun to color? Is there anyone who believes in 2012? Because no one has thought to do a psychiatric evaluation to Berlusconi? What is it made the hair gel? And Nutella? How many questions do a day? A week? In a year?
These are are some questions that I got today ... Tomorrow there will be others.

Temperature Of Niagara Falls At The Bottom

HSP 24 February 2011 Podcast # 1

24 HSP presents his first podcast mix - February 2011 - The coolest blog in the world is pleased to announce his next frontier ... Enjoy it ... Dub/ Techno / Deep house.

24 Hour Smoking People # 1 podcast - February - Soft / Hard winter "bypass" by Miguel24HSP


1.NUfrequency feat. ben Onono - Fallen hero (MCDE remix)
2.Baaz - Black pattern
3.Kassem Mosse - We speak to those
4.Levon Vincent - Six figures
5.Lone - Ultramarine
6.Hunee - Rare silk
7.MCDE - Keep up
8.Skudge - Convolution (Aardvarck remix)
9.Seth Troxler - Barbaro's stride
10.Pantha du Prince - The Splendour
11.Glimpse - Walk tall (Maceo Plex remix)
12.Ben Klock - OK feat. Elif Bicer
13.Kate Simko - Pastis
14.Christopher Rau - A line
15.Delano Smith - Ancestors (main mix)
16.Walt J - Reborn 1 (DJ QU's journey towards birth remix)
17.Thor - Yellow sky over Reykjavik
18.Traversable wormhole - Closed like timelike curve (Marcel Dettmann remix)
19.Greg Gow - The warning
20.Martyn - These words feat. Dbridge

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Average Cost Of A Notepad

winter sports

The best winter sport is skiing without a doubt. I have a house in the mountains, not far from a great ski resort (they call it?) And I do not ski. Absurd? Ridiculous? Stupid? I do not know, but in fact the case. I never liked skiing, cross country I was a child and I hated to be great no one has ever tried to teach me something, then nothing. A few years ago I tried again with cross-country skiing, but the result has been three days at home with 38 of fever. When I started to sweat, I removed all the layers I was wearing and 2000 meters in short sleeves is not too good. Still a few years ago, taken by I do not know what madness of the moment, I decided to try snowboarding ... mmm ... cute, cute even my ass purple the next day. I had fun but let's say that I was not passionate. A year later I tried again and the next. In the end we always come to the slopes, the way we receive does not matter. Since then every year (this will be the fourth) one day scio or snowboard better. It 'happened yesterday, last time was too long. Today my butt and my knees are purple and I'm discovering muscles that have not even thought existed. I have not the faintest idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the technique to properly use one of those tables slipping on the snow, but I would go down in my own way, without ever giving me the floor and bend if I see an obstacle. Make me an 'incredible fear of children 5 years that make egg and go down like missiles, not looking at anything, without worrying about anyone. Here I wonder what pleasure there is to ski. All good people put us 5 minutes or less to make a track. So you have to get fifteen minutes of chair, if it goes wrong also in line to climb, reaches the top, slipping down in 2 seconds and you're at the point of first. I do not understand this. Where's the fun? I can understand the thrill of speed, cold air on my face, but I think there are many other ways to experience these feelings, maybe in a slightly 'longer-lasting. And let's face it, skiing is an expensive sport. Just yesterday, Ali and I did the math on what a family with one or two children to go spend a weekend skiing. Too. In my opinion too. I do not doubt that for some skiing is a passion. For me it is not, amen.
What I like the tracks, however, are white, white, sky blue, blue and warm sunshine.

Cool Peace Signs Funiture

Sage / 5 - F ** K YOU - M. Leoni

You who buy the iPhone, and thou hast not even the home PC, you who spend 2,000 euros for a camera and not even know the reality, to be photographed, it must first be focus, you speak of Richie Hawtin and Berlin Calling, clubbers and you feel cool and ignore how much you are late .. you do not know the place outside of the 4 ways in which you were born, London and Ibiza, you who believe that to be a rapper just wear an oversized tee, you do not take public transport because it is cold and dirty and there are Romanians, you who put the NEW ERA but did not see six feet away from you.

you that you've bought 7 pairs of Ray Ban Wayfarer but you'd need a pair of glasses because you can not miss to see the horns which thou hast (if your girlfriend makes with the DJ who also says he is already your friend already ... with DJ). What do you say that Berlusconi is a genius and persecuted. That you buy a Louis Vuitton Louis Vuitton but then another on the subway you're afraid to go in because there are pickpockets, and the Romanians.

you that when you feel like sushi you must write it on FB because eating raw fish makes you cool and Cucca while the pizza is jinxed. You do not hai mai messo il culo su una bicicletta. Tu che non hai mai dovuto fare la spesa.

Tu che fai l'artista ma per fare l'artista ti ci vogliono i soldi di papà...e mammà....tu che se ti dico che l'altro giorno sono scappato con una scimmia su per la via di supercazzola scivolando con la macchina di 'ntani, ridi, ma pensando che volessi citare Mammuccari, tu che non sai chi è Ernest Hemingway, tu che non guardi film, tu che dici che lo Juventino è ladro e quello del Toro c'ha il cuore.

Fammi un piacere.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Glisten Dishwasher Cleaner Ingredients

brainstorming - BLOCWEEKEND 5th birthday March 11-13 (Butlins Minehead Resort-UK)

After the first four editions, BLOCWEEKEND confirms his position as a festival of electronic music and its one of the most crazy, innovative and expected in 2011.
11 to March 13 near Bristol (United Kingdom) will be rotated the most important artists of the world of alternative beat.
For those who still did not know the review, the advice is to do a jump on the official website of the festival (www.blocweekend.com)
for understand how strange and out of time is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe creators of BLOCWEEKEND who first thought not to sell tickets for admission directly to the market but to offer a reservation service for rooms, apartments and chalets
minds assigning to each system a number of tickets varies depending on the number of guests.
now sold-out almost a month BLOCWEEKEND is a festival and a unique experience that goes far beyond the conception that everyone has the Woodstock art is a gather together to hear the same music niche that every year millions of people who assiduously attend the festival business across Europe not appreciate. E 'wake up all united together in the morning by the same desire to enjoy sound sleep is their breath in unison after 12 hours of music non-stop.
one that will appreciate the thousands of kids for three days to descend through the streets and the beach at Butlins It is a stratospheric line-up:

Aphex Twin, Magnetic Man, Laurent Garnier, LFO, Moderat , Four Tet, Troxler & Reeves, Matthew Dear, Modeselektor, Jamie XX, Ben Klock, A Guy Called Gerald, Black Devil Disco Club, King Midas Sound, Apparat, DOP, Daedelus, Shackleton, Jimmy Edgar, Ramadanman, Dj Pete, Kyle Hall, Oscar Mulero, Boxcutter, Silent Servant, Will Saul, Mary Anne Hobbs Joy Orbison, Vitalic, Claude Von Stroke.

The best electronic world, history, artists from all over the world, that mix sounds and atmospheres that you throw from Berlin to Detroit via Istanbul and the cellars of Manchester.
East London on the top step of the podium, "Live East Die Young" Banksy writes.
And we believe.

Note for those who already have his book in his pocket:

Laurent Garnier, Matthew Dear will close the show together ... ...

to you last parola.

See you there fellas :-) !

"Our good pals at Resident Advisor have put into words what everyone was thinking anyway and have nominated Bloc as the best festival in the world , ahead of Miami and Awakenings so some pretty stiff competition there too. Thanks to all those at Resident Advisor and boy are we looking forward to their showcase at Bloc… "

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lip Ear Chain Piercing

Small Things I Hate

hate freshly washed jeans, golf leaving lint, pants that fit in the middle of the seats at every step. I hate people who want to have the last word because the last word must be mine. I hate to keep the doors closed and blinds lowered, especially at night when I wake up I want to light air. I hate it when the hot water comes out of the shower and I hate to forget things. I hate the food caked on the bottom of the pot and the water drops that glide along the forearm when you wash your hands. I can not stand cream "cryo effect" that, after harvest, they make you freeze for half an hour. I can not stand those things with buttons and with a thousand decorations. I hate falling asleep in the middle of a movie and especially hate not being able to avoid it. I hate drugs with a bad taste and those with a taste too good because they eat a whole package. I hate not finishing books but just not with someone I did not, in fact I did it with two or at most three books, but they feel a bit 'as a burden on his conscience. I can not stand the automatic translator from Google and especially those who use it not to read two pages in English. I can not stand people on Facebook fills the board, from morning to night, pitiable link. I hate the traffic light when the light turns yellow because I have not yet figured out if I have to speed up or slow down. I do not like the bed was unmade, but not even do that. I hate it when you fall on the same hand three times in a row and when the glaze with fresh bumps everywhere. I do not like having too many empty pages of the agenda and hate not remember the password to access the university website. I hate when you prevent me from doing something I want to do and hate me because I surrender to the will of others. I hate to leave questions sospeso e odio i commessi che cercano di fregarti con il resto. Non sopporto quando il mio gatto cammina sulla tastiera del computer e riesce ad aprire cose che non sapevo esistessero (in realtà lo amo, e lo amo anche ora che è coricato sulla mia mano e mi impedisce ogni movimento). Odio perdere gli orecchini e odio i cibi surgelati che fuori sono caldi e dentro ghiacciati. Odio la puzza di fritto e di fumo sui vestiti e odio i cani con i codini in testa, anzi, odio i loro padroni.
Ovvio, odio e non sopporto anche molte altre cose, magari un po' più serie e vitali. Oggi però volevo fare l'elenco solo delle piccole cose che odio.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Infant Blisters On Hand

Etiquette: other times. The blog and I

I nostri nonni, i nostri genitori e tutte quelle persone who have gone before us have tried to teach education. Some have succeeded, others did not. But what is education? It 's a bit trite to say, but times have changed on this front. My grandfather until the last day of his life he opened the car door to pick up my grandmother. Today there is still some man who does it? If they do it is because it is some special occasion, I was reading about some stupid paper that if a man opens the door to a woman means that the woman or the car is new, but I think it makes you smile the truth. I do not pretend that a man opens the door for me, are very good at aprirmela alone and at least I'm sure not having anything left in the half. Also at the table
things have changed once we sat down only after the "cook" had been accommodated and began to eat only after the start of the most important member of the family. Today we sit around the table when it is still not machine and do not get up until the end of the meal. I do not know what I like and what not, maybe something in between. Some things are definitely exaggerated, for example: a man should always give priority to a woman but when you enter a new place to go him to verify the safety of the place, here, that makes me a bit 'funny. If entering a new place is a group of women only what do you do? The first puts at risk his life? I do not know certain rules I have never met. What I know is which is not interrupt adults when they are talking (though I wonder when I am an adult and when I will have the right not to be interrupted), which in a restaurant are served before women and older, who must be on the bus yield to pregnant women and elderly people who do not know that you give "her" and that is always asking "please".
I grew up with this basic education, I know enough to behave properly in any place, or at least I think, in fact, my mom makes me believe. My mom tells me often, perhaps every day, that grandparents have brought up very well and she did the same with me and that I must do the same with my children. The example of education at all, in my family, my uncle was Alfonso. Uncle Alfonso has never been married (according to legend, had beautiful girlfriends here and there, one in Egypt) and has always lived alone, in spite of this every time I went to the table set with silver cutlery, obviously wants to put as good manners, he respected every social norm, and this has always been a mystery to me, peeled and ate the fruit with the cutlery, all types of fruit.
Today we are all a bit 'more flexible. I do not think there is still someone under 70, able to peel the fruit with a knife and fork, if yes, please come to demonstrate.
Despite the increased flexibility we live quite well here in recent years, some a few times a bit 'more education would not hurt. We try to find a happy medium.

Friday, January 28, 2011

¨ls Mag Depositfiles¨

I gave the first two exams and I can afford the next few days off. During this period all have to study so you can not do great things, this means that in these days of rest do nothing. My mom brings me around to do a thousand committees and see Kitchen (I love the furniture stores, make me want to have a house to furnish my way), place a bit 'backward and cazzeggiano of things on your computer. Here are a few moments ago I was here in front of the computer and I was rummaging in the blog, this blog, and I started to read un po' di post che avevo scritto. Io di solito non leggo mai quello che scrivo, cioè: mentre scrivo leggo e rileggo le righe che ho già messo giù per controllare che non ci siamo errori troppo evidenti, ma quando do il via per la pubblicazione basta, è come se non fossa più cosa mia. Quindi ora rileggendo qua e là ho provato un po' una strana sensazione. Mi sono accorta che quasi ogni passo importante degli ultimi due anni si trova in queste pagine, che la mia vita si può ricostruire quasi alla perfezione mettendo insieme quello che ho scritto. Mi è sembrato strano scrivere certe cose, o meglio mi chiedo cosa mi fosse saltato in mente prima di iniziare a scrivere una determinata cosa o dove ho trovato il coraggio. Forse l'ho sempre did not think, in the most natural of the world, without ever thinking that it may happen that people who know me discover things about me that never would have imagined. I do not know, I realized that it really gave my all to this blog, I'm not regretting, just a bit 'fantastic.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What Does The L In The Dental Bur Mean

Back from trip to Bologna. Carina Bologna, are all beautiful porches and irregular streets.
What you will want to talk about is not the city or its monuments but it is a bed and breakfast. Last night we were in this little B & B run by a lady about 45 years. It was very neat, simple, bright and clean. Most of the furniture era Ikea, tutto lineare, bello e colorato. La cosa veramente incredibile però è stata la colazione. Direi che in tutti i B&B in cui ero stata precedentemente la colazione non era mai stata un granché: latte a lunga conservazione, biscotti confezionati, qualche yogurt e poco altro. Questa mattina invece la colazione è stata qualcosa di incredibile. La gentile signora aveva preparato ogni tipo e genere di bontà. C'erano brioches fresche di pasticceria di ogni gusto, biscotti fatti in casa, latte fresco, nutella, pane, salumi... ogni cosa era fantastica e noi ovviamente abbiamo mangiato fino allo sfinimento.
Con la pancia piena e guardandomi attorno ho deciso che anch'io voglio aprire un bed and breakfast; ho pensato che if you do not want to do things in style, if you settle for a few rooms and if you put a little 'fantasy, it turns out something very nice. Really, it takes so little to make people feel good, to make them feel at home even though they are miles away. I thought that I would like to have a bustle of foreign people and not in my house, I'd like to take care of them, cook some cake. I mean it from 11 this morning that I'm imagining the management of B & Bs coolest of all time, one of those where people come back every time you are in that city, one that friends recommend to friends friends, one of those who remain in our hearts. Not to just throw away the I also thought my degree angle to a "counseling." It seems absurd, I know, but I like to imagine myself in a place like this.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Free Labels When You Donate

B & B around the corner?

Tomorrow we go on trips. Yes, that's a trip. We go two days in Bologna. It's a little 'funny but neither I nor Ale We have never been to Bologna. I think we do not want more than two hours from Pavia and yet we have not ever been. I remember the year of the choice of university I was interested in these cities, but then I do not remember why, it's forgotten.
I was thinking that I saw a bit 'of places around the world, not many but enough. I was halfway around the world, I took incredibly long flight, I touched almost every continent but I do not know what's around the corner. Without exaggerating ok, but I can make a list of the Lombard cities that I've never seen, let alone the rest of Italy. So I decided that now, when I have a couple of days off I use them for exploration of our territories. There is a reason why our cities are full of tourists, right? I decided that I want to go to Urbino, Macerata, in Lucca, in Treviso ... and these are just the first cities that come to mind where I never even set foot.
Maybe the real wonders are there, around the corner, in the place that you never considered. And why not, know a little 'their own land, before that of others, should not hurt.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Alcohol Urine Test Tomorrow

H 24 Sm Playlist / 8

Iniziamo questo 2011 con un pò di sana melodia.

Dirty projectors - Stillness in the move
Nina Simone - My baby just cares for me
Nitin Sawnhey - Dead man
Soap&Skin - Extinguish me
Bonobo - Terrapin
Mount Kimbie - Before I move off
Gonjasufi - Ancestors
Erykah Badu - The Healer
Josè Gonzales - Down the line
Lone - Cloud 909

How To Make Electricity Toys

Sage / 4 - Banksy

Old man : "You paint the wall, you make it look beautiful"

Me : "Thanks"

Old man : "We don't want it to be beautiful, we hate this wall, go home"

Jerusalem, 2005

"Graffiti frightens people and is symbolic of the decline in society, but graffiti is only dangerous in the mind of three types of people: politicians, advertising executive and graffiti writers."

"A wall has always been the best place to publish your work "

Banksy ( Bristol , 1974 or 1975) is an artist English.

is one of the leaders of street art . He knows that he grew up in Bristol but his real identity is kept hidden. His works are often satirical background and cover topics such as politics the culture el ' ethics. The technique he prefers for his work guerrilla art has always been the stencil, precisely with that Banksy came to collect an increasing success at street artists from around the world. His stencils have just started to appear in Bristol, then London, particularly in areas in the northeast, and follow in the major European capitals, notably not only on the walls of the streets, but also in unexpected places as the cages of the zoo of Barcelona . Despite the recent world-famous and notable quotes of his work, Banksy continues a rimanere fuori dallo starsystem e a preferire la sua arte in mezzo alla gente comune.

"A lot of people never use their initiative because n o-one told them to."

"It takes a lot of guts to stand up anonimously in a western democracy and call for things no one else believes in - like peace and justice and f reedom."