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This is not the cemetery of the village of which I spoke, what I could not find the photos. This does not seem like much, but still a quiet place. | | | | |
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
How Does A Capillary Thermostat Work?
Friday, March 4, 2011
Where Can I Watch Kutumb Episodes
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Removing Spilled Fragrance In Car
I'm thinking what are the last things I did but I realize that it is the latter that come to mind.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
How To Make Jeff Hardy In Poptropica
Monday, February 28, 2011
Messenger For Mac Screen Name Keeps Changing
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Port Royale 2 Stupid Patch

Outbreak Of Spots On Stomach
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Microwaves On Ucf Campus
Friday, February 25, 2011
Unheated Rack Of A Broiling Pan
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Honda Pilot Rear License Plate Bracket
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Certificate Authority Generator
Monday, February 21, 2011
White Broccoli Pizza Calories

Sunday, February 20, 2011
Vanessa Hudgens Fotos
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Wax Before Straightening
Friday, February 18, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
How Long Go Down Body Fat %
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Can Rabbits Eat Grapefruit
Monday, February 14, 2011
Birthday Cake Ideas For 25th Birthday
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Baby Headbands Ontario
What does not like is the revelation of the secret. The radio has a nice, a bit 'like a book, allow the to imagine, imagine what you want and how you like it. You like to think that the broadcasts are transmitted from a raft in the sea? No problem, you can. In the midst of green grass? Ok. Watching that program but you realize that the conductors are locked in a dark closet, with thousands of cables that run and that there is nothing romantic. In fact it all seems very cold and static. The 'other nice thing about radio is that you can listen to wherever you want, without power, space and the like. Just have a little box with an antenna and you can get carried any story, any song. Well, perhaps I prefer this side a little 'magic of radio. I love what comes out and I do not care where it is being born. Preferisco pensare che chi parla in quel microfono sia in mezzo al vento piuttosto che in uno stanzino nero.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Artiste Ring Scott Kay
Monday, February 7, 2011
Melted Plastic Bag Smell
These are are some questions that I got today ... Tomorrow there will be others.
Temperature Of Niagara Falls At The Bottom
24 HSP presents his first podcast mix - February 2011 - The coolest blog in the world is pleased to announce his next frontier ... Enjoy it ... Dub/ Techno / Deep house.
24 Hour Smoking People # 1 podcast - February - Soft / Hard winter "bypass" by Miguel24HSP
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Average Cost Of A Notepad
Cool Peace Signs Funiture

Thursday, February 3, 2011
Glisten Dishwasher Cleaner Ingredients

Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Lip Ear Chain Piercing
Ovvio, odio e non sopporto anche molte altre cose, magari un po' più serie e vitali. Oggi però volevo fare l'elenco solo delle piccole cose che odio.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Infant Blisters On Hand
things have changed once we sat down only after the "cook" had been accommodated and began to eat only after the start of the most important member of the family. Today we sit around the table when it is still not machine and do not get up until the end of the meal. I do not know what I like and what not, maybe something in between. Some things are definitely exaggerated, for example: a man should always give priority to a woman but when you enter a new place to go him to verify the safety of the place, here, that makes me a bit 'funny. If entering a new place is a group of women only what do you do? The first puts at risk his life? I do not know certain rules I have never met. What I know is which is not interrupt adults when they are talking (though I wonder when I am an adult and when I will have the right not to be interrupted), which in a restaurant are served before women and older, who must be on the bus yield to pregnant women and elderly people who do not know that you give "her" and that is always asking "please".
I grew up with this basic education, I know enough to behave properly in any place, or at least I think, in fact, my mom makes me believe. My mom tells me often, perhaps every day, that grandparents have brought up very well and she did the same with me and that I must do the same with my children. The example of education at all, in my family, my uncle was Alfonso. Uncle Alfonso has never been married (according to legend, had beautiful girlfriends here and there, one in Egypt) and has always lived alone, in spite of this every time I went to the table set with silver cutlery, obviously wants to put as good manners, he respected every social norm, and this has always been a mystery to me, peeled and ate the fruit with the cutlery, all types of fruit.
Today we are all a bit 'more flexible. I do not think there is still someone under 70, able to peel the fruit with a knife and fork, if yes, please come to demonstrate.
Despite the increased flexibility we live quite well here in recent years, some a few times a bit 'more education would not hurt. We try to find a happy medium.
Friday, January 28, 2011
¨ls Mag Depositfiles¨
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
What Does The L In The Dental Bur Mean
What you will want to talk about is not the city or its monuments but it is a bed and breakfast. Last night we were in this little B & B run by a lady about 45 years. It was very neat, simple, bright and clean. Most of the furniture era Ikea, tutto lineare, bello e colorato. La cosa veramente incredibile però è stata la colazione. Direi che in tutti i B&B in cui ero stata precedentemente la colazione non era mai stata un granché: latte a lunga conservazione, biscotti confezionati, qualche yogurt e poco altro. Questa mattina invece la colazione è stata qualcosa di incredibile. La gentile signora aveva preparato ogni tipo e genere di bontà. C'erano brioches fresche di pasticceria di ogni gusto, biscotti fatti in casa, latte fresco, nutella, pane, salumi... ogni cosa era fantastica e noi ovviamente abbiamo mangiato fino allo sfinimento.
Con la pancia piena e guardandomi attorno ho deciso che anch'io voglio aprire un bed and breakfast; ho pensato che if you do not want to do things in style, if you settle for a few rooms and if you put a little 'fantasy, it turns out something very nice. Really, it takes so little to make people feel good, to make them feel at home even though they are miles away. I thought that I would like to have a bustle of foreign people and not in my house, I'd like to take care of them, cook some cake. I mean it from 11 this morning that I'm imagining the management of B & Bs coolest of all time, one of those where people come back every time you are in that city, one that friends recommend to friends friends, one of those who remain in our hearts. Not to just throw away the I also thought my degree angle to a "counseling." It seems absurd, I know, but I like to imagine myself in a place like this.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Free Labels When You Donate
I was thinking that I saw a bit 'of places around the world, not many but enough. I was halfway around the world, I took incredibly long flight, I touched almost every continent but I do not know what's around the corner. Without exaggerating ok, but I can make a list of the Lombard cities that I've never seen, let alone the rest of Italy. So I decided that now, when I have a couple of days off I use them for exploration of our territories. There is a reason why our cities are full of tourists, right? I decided that I want to go to Urbino, Macerata, in Lucca, in Treviso ... and these are just the first cities that come to mind where I never even set foot.
Maybe the real wonders are there, around the corner, in the place that you never considered. And why not, know a little 'their own land, before that of others, should not hurt.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Alcohol Urine Test Tomorrow
How To Make Electricity Toys

Banksy ( Bristol , 1974 or 1975) is an artist English.
is one of the leaders of street art . He knows that he grew up in Bristol but his real identity is kept hidden. His works are often satirical background and cover topics such as politics the culture el ' ethics. The technique he prefers for his work guerrilla art has always been the stencil, precisely with that Banksy came to collect an increasing success at street artists from around the world. His stencils have just started to appear in Bristol, then London, particularly in areas in the northeast, and follow in the major European capitals, notably not only on the walls of the streets, but also in unexpected places as the cages of the zoo of Barcelona . Despite the recent world-famous and notable quotes of his work, Banksy continues a rimanere fuori dallo starsystem e a preferire la sua arte in mezzo alla gente comune.
"A lot of people never use their initiative because n o-one told them to."
"It takes a lot of guts to stand up anonimously in a western democracy and call for things no one else believes in - like peace and justice and f reedom."