Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What Does The L In The Dental Bur Mean

Back from trip to Bologna. Carina Bologna, are all beautiful porches and irregular streets.
What you will want to talk about is not the city or its monuments but it is a bed and breakfast. Last night we were in this little B & B run by a lady about 45 years. It was very neat, simple, bright and clean. Most of the furniture era Ikea, tutto lineare, bello e colorato. La cosa veramente incredibile però è stata la colazione. Direi che in tutti i B&B in cui ero stata precedentemente la colazione non era mai stata un granché: latte a lunga conservazione, biscotti confezionati, qualche yogurt e poco altro. Questa mattina invece la colazione è stata qualcosa di incredibile. La gentile signora aveva preparato ogni tipo e genere di bontà. C'erano brioches fresche di pasticceria di ogni gusto, biscotti fatti in casa, latte fresco, nutella, pane, salumi... ogni cosa era fantastica e noi ovviamente abbiamo mangiato fino allo sfinimento.
Con la pancia piena e guardandomi attorno ho deciso che anch'io voglio aprire un bed and breakfast; ho pensato che if you do not want to do things in style, if you settle for a few rooms and if you put a little 'fantasy, it turns out something very nice. Really, it takes so little to make people feel good, to make them feel at home even though they are miles away. I thought that I would like to have a bustle of foreign people and not in my house, I'd like to take care of them, cook some cake. I mean it from 11 this morning that I'm imagining the management of B & Bs coolest of all time, one of those where people come back every time you are in that city, one that friends recommend to friends friends, one of those who remain in our hearts. Not to just throw away the I also thought my degree angle to a "counseling." It seems absurd, I know, but I like to imagine myself in a place like this.


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