Every now and then decide it's time to do the cleaning, re-order to put everything in place or in the new place we have decided for them. We wash the car, the house, ourselves. The clean machine is one of the things that gives both more and less satisfaction. It 'nice to spend the bodywork on the strong jet of water and see the dirt that is left to take away, it is not nice to know that two days later it was business as usual. Sometimes it's a bit 'a rip off because it looks pretty clean but, as soon as the sun beats on me, you find that it is still a little' dirty, you've taken everything there was to remove dirt and so does simply accumulate. The house however is another matter, maybe it's easier because there is always a place to hide everything. Clear all collect things in a mess and if you do not know where you can hide them, you can put them in the bottom of that drawer that reorder again. And when it's time to reorder your answer just those things that drawer to another drawer, and finally, do not rearrange ever. Here, I think we're a little people 'as a machine to clean or tidy a drawer. Every now and then it's time to clean even ourselves we can do it in the simplest of ways, making a beard, waxing, putting the cream on her legs, changing hairstyle. Or you can go a little further and decide to empty the drawer also in reserve. Every week I decided that now is the time to change things in my room and pretty much every time I do it. In fact I know that what really needs to order me and I continue to fix everything around me for not having to empty my tray.
Now I must go, I left in mid-shuffle the cabinet.
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