Per chiudere in bellezza questo primo poker di festosi aperitivi dal profumo d'arte 24 hour smoking people son lieti di presentare un loro grande amico:
MASSIMILIANO PETRONE, giovane pittore e artista torinese.
The room we usually use for photographic exhibitions this Sunday will be dedicated to him which also will perform live painting for the last live-art event of this first summer edition of takeAResT a month .... Unfortunately, we will begin to chatter.
Inside, as always, our resident SERGIO LEONARDO PACE and accompany the aperitif, alternating some deep house and dub techno sound with the sole intent to break the silence of boredom with you Sunday!
Thanks again to everyone who made possible the success of our personal idea di divertimento.
Lo shooting di FRANCESCO COIA "Gente in Pausa" inoltre continuerà tra le 19 e le 22 nel piano interrato del locale. Be cool.
Vi abbracciamo tutti.
24 Hour Smoking People.
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