For the crust I used a recipe similar
250 grams of flour 00
1 uovo
100 gr di burro
100 fr di zucchero
un pizzico di sale.
Ho lavorato la farina e il burro, poi ho fatto una fontana ho messo lo zucchero le uova e ho impastato bene il tutto con una spatola sulla spianatoia (come le simili mi hanno insegnato)
Ho formato un panetto e tenuto in frigo avvolto in carta trasparente per un'ora.
Per il ripieno:
1/2 kg di zucchero
1/2 kg di ricotta
1/2 l di latte
1 barattolo di grano da 1/2 kg
10 uova (io ho fatto meta' dosi quindi 5 uova, ma ne ho messe 4 intere e un tuorlo perche' avevano molto albume)
cinnamon (I did not and I did not put)
orange flower water
2 packets of vanilla (I put a vanilla bean in sugar the day before that I used)
Candied them I want to put I put them.
I cooked corn with about 220 ml of milk, 1 / 4 of the sugar, orange flower water, (and if you put the vanilla bean in sugar, then put the bag of vanilla). Should be cooked until the milk is withdrawn, it must be nice creamy mixture. Once cooked you cool. It sifts the ricotta and mix well with the remaining milk is added to the previously beaten eggs, sugar Remaining, the cinnamon (which I made) and the candied fruit mixture with the corn.
Roll out the pastry and line a cake tin (mine was detachable and 26 cm) previously buttered and floured, line the pan, pour the mixture inside, and get the dough strips to put on the compound (type tart), bake at 180 degrees until it is not 'nice golden brown. Once baked you cool down and then sprinkle with powdered sugar.
E 'much more' good the next day I assure you. Ida thank you to you and your mom!
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