Saturday, April 18, 2009

Cold Sores Under Nose Images

Pastiera Ida

pastiera But what I like, I've tried a few but I was not completely satisfied ... then Ida, napoletana doc gives me 'the recipe and make them at home .... here is a real pastiera! The smell was fantastic already 'in cooking, baked after he had filled the house ... and as I said pastiera and' more 'good the next day and in fact, and' right!

For the crust I used a recipe similar
250 grams of flour 00
1 uovo
100 gr di burro
100 fr di zucchero
un pizzico di sale.
Ho lavorato la farina e il burro, poi ho fatto una fontana ho messo lo zucchero le uova e ho impastato bene il tutto con una spatola sulla spianatoia (come le simili mi hanno insegnato)
Ho formato un panetto e tenuto in frigo avvolto in carta trasparente per un'ora.

Per il ripieno:

1/2 kg di zucchero
1/2 kg di ricotta
1/2 l di latte
1 barattolo di grano da 1/2 kg
10 uova (io ho fatto meta' dosi quindi 5 uova, ma ne ho messe 4 intere e un tuorlo perche' avevano molto albume)
cinnamon (I did not and I did not put)
orange flower water
2 packets of vanilla (I put a vanilla bean in sugar the day before that I used)
Candied them I want to put I put them.

I cooked corn with about 220 ml of milk, 1 / 4 of the sugar, orange flower water, (and if you put the vanilla bean in sugar, then put the bag of vanilla). Should be cooked until the milk is withdrawn, it must be nice creamy mixture. Once cooked you cool. It sifts the ricotta and mix well with the remaining milk is added to the previously beaten eggs, sugar Remaining, the cinnamon (which I made) and the candied fruit mixture with the corn.
Roll out the pastry and line a cake tin (mine was detachable and 26 cm) previously buttered and floured, line the pan, pour the mixture inside, and get the dough strips to put on the compound (type tart), bake at 180 degrees until it is not 'nice golden brown. Once baked you cool down and then sprinkle with powdered sugar.

E 'much more' good the next day I assure you. Ida thank you to you and your mom!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Guitar Cable Cord Iphone

Happy Easter and happy Easter!

Tantissimi auguri di Buona Pasqua a'anno, come l'anno scorso, ho fatto l'uovo...lontano dalla perfezione certo ma migliorabile e fatto con tanto amore per la mia cucciola quindi...sono cmq abbastanza soddisfatta.
Oggi ,pasquetta, partiamo per una bella gita!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Katies Playground Full Sets

potato ravioli

Una sola parola:ottimi. Una ricetta delle sorelle Simili imparata al loro corso sulla pasta fatta in casa, inutili ulteriori parole su queste due spettacolari sorelle...sono fantastiche loro come le loro ricette, come i loro corsi , il loro modo di insegnare e la loro disponibilita'.

For the dough I used 2 eggs and prepared 220 grams of flour, for safety because the eggs are not always the same, but in the end I used 190 gr.
Aged and pulled the car (this time I used the machine next to try his hand).

The filling: 1 kg potatoes

2 cloves garlic 1 bunch of parsley

100 grams of grated Parmesan cheese 3 tomatoes peeled firm

1 grated nutmeg salt and pepper

Boil the potatoes in cold water salt and zest. When they are cooked peel and crush the lever with the schiacciapatate.Rosolare chopped garlic in oil in a pan, add the tomatoes, salt, pepper and nutmeg and potatoes when they are flavored (a few minutes) you put the chopped parsley. Are removed from the heat.
Add the Parmesan and mix well. Roll out the pastry and
gets horizontal Davani to us, so you put the sausage filling into two folds the dough and close properly after you cut. Are of great ravioli for about 6 cm 3. They put on a baking sheet or on a plane as it is convenient but in a terry towel (which I use only for pasta) and above this a dry (also only use it for pasta), cooked for several minutes come to the surface and swell. Drained and seasoned to taste.
I've served them with butter and sage, but you can also season with a good ragu 'toscano (which will' soon).

Monday, April 6, 2009

What Does A Dentist Bill Look Like


In March I attended another course on their own bread and this' just one of the recipes that we have submitted ... good as all their breads. The sisters say that ... sempe more 'energetic, likeable extremely available in short, a real strength.
These loaves are easy and really delicious.
For the bottom:
0 of 500 grams of flour 250 grams of force

water about 5 g of yeast

Mix the ingredients until creamy and mixed, then put it in a bowl and let rest 8 / 10 hours.

For the dough: 150 gr
strong flour 13 g yeast 130 g water
about 3 grams of barley malt
12 grams of salt

Pour water on the bottom, crush and squeeze him to absorb water because it 's first waterproof. Then mix it beating for about 6 minutes (beating in the bowl) and then add the yeast part of the malt flour and then the salt, then add the remaining flour. When the dough, what has he moved on the table and continues to work and beat for 8 / 10 minutes until we have a smooth and very elastic.
after it has' worked well divide the dough into 6 pieces, you make the balls and make it rest for 10-15 minutes.
After resting form the loaves by rolling balls and arrange themselves on the baking sheet and let rise for 30 minutes in the warm wet and covered with a cloth wrung out to them being covered with wet paper towels and paper over the plastic wrap to keep the heat and made them rise for 45 minutes but this depends on the temperature of the environment and where they start to rise, should be checked if there 'is hot enough otherwise 30 minutes to 45 or 50. Before you bake make three diagonal cuts with a razor blade or very sharp knife and cmq si infornano a 220/200 gradi per 20/25 minuti. Il forno viene messo a 220 gradi perche' quando apriamo lo sportello per infornare il pane , pur facendo il tutto velocemente parte del calore esce e quando chiudiamo lo sportello almeno all'interno ci sono 200 gradi. se lo scaldassimo a 200 al momento della chiusura all'interno rimarrebbero 190/180 gradi anziche' 200.
A meta' cottura, quindi dopo circa 10/12 minuti, si gira la teglia cosi la cottura avviene in maniera piu' uniforme.
Quando si sforna il pane sarebbe meglio dividerlo a meta' questo perche' l'umidita' all'interno esce dalla parte tagliata e la crosta rimane piu' croccante, se invece lo lasciamo intero allora l'umidita' esce ugualmente ma dalla crosta che then softens, in this case would be better to pass him before serving in the oven just a little bit to make it crisp again.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Metal Things Used On Face In Boxing

light I got a prize!

I thank the dear Patricia de Pau Colher the Brazilian and the Italian version The wooden spoon for
awarded me, thank you dear! Apart from my suggestion to visit his blog is in Portuguese and Italian, in my turn to award a single blog:
-Nightfairy due to its mild The Hill Blog Do

What Does Cancer Of The Tonsil Look Like

apple pie creamy

a period that is 'more so with' low and high, the mood certainly not the best, the spring that never seems to want just what it takes to get there ... so what? A pretty good apple pie! And this cake Nightfairy and 'one of the most' best I've ever eaten ... I warms my heart.
simple, fast and delicious what more could you want '?

100 grams of butter (I put 80 g)
100 grams of sugar (I put 70 grams)

150 grams of flour 2 eggs 1 teaspoon baking

a pinch of salt (but I wanted to put forgot ... but 'a pinch of salt enhances the flavor I usually put the cake)
250 g of natural yoghurt (if I use my yogurt made with it I put a jar or a jar and a half and no more ')
1 kg of apples (I put three golden apples) cut into cubes and put them in water and lemon.

I worked well with the whisk eggs with sugar, I then joined the yogurt, butter, cooled, sieved flour with a teaspoon of yeast. I have a greased and floured cake pan, then poured the mixture over the apples into chunks (although many seem to do well in cooking will go down) and put in oven for 45 minutes at 180 degrees.
Nightfairy says bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes and covered with aluminum foil for another half hour, but my oven was already 'cooked after 45 minutes, but this' might depend on the ovens so check.
I am inspired by this cake I have changed a bit, in addition to reducing sugar and butter, add less yeast, and raisins soaked in water and add rum and grated lemon or orange zest, and 120 grams of flour is ... equally good. Inside the cake is
Morbidoni, there seems to be a wet but these are the cream apple juice in the cooking issue. In short, one word: excellent! Thanks Night!