This recipe I took from the book''Bread, the pleasure of making bread at home''by Anna Gennari, a beautiful gift my friend Anto ... thanks honey!
Ingredients: 1 kg of flour
00 1 / 2 liter of milk
70 g butter (I put 50 gr) 2 eggs + 1
pre brush (I do not have them brushed)
80 grams of sugar (it I put 50)
30 grams of yeast (I put 20)
20 grams of salt
I used to knead the bread machine. I made a lievitino with the warm milk baking powder and 1 / 3 of the flour, I let it rise about half an hour. Then I put in the bread machine lievitino, beaten eggs, flour, sugar, butter, very soft, and I started the program mix. At the first tone I added salt.
When the dough was ready I turned off the car and I let inside the dough for 20 minutes, then I took it I did the forms (in the prescription forms were provided by 100 grams, I have done different forms and not I have weighed), I rise until doubled and then at 200 degrees for about 25 minutes, but I have based on color. The original recipe calls brushed on top with beaten egg, brush the bread and says shortly before the end of cooking, 'cause would brush them early to get the burnt areas.
are very fragrant and soft, suitable for just a breakfast with butter, jam or honey.
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