Friday, June 3, 2005

Softball Glove Clip Art


I was born and raised in Calabria. Land that I love for its beauty, and I hate the quality of a life that does not exist.
Are you from Calabria have two options, comply or escape. Of the two I have not chosen any. I stay here because I do not comfortable, but because I find hard detach from the sea, the sun. To undertake this trip, perhaps with the idea of \u200b\u200bnot returning, but the "magnet Calabria" brings me back to these latitudes.
I stay here, even out of curiosity, I want to see how it ends.
Living in Calabria is like to live on the border, to deal with people in beautiful, hospitable, but nothing more.
not write this because I'm usually the southern complainer. I slam the complaints I prefer to act rather than complain. I write this to provoke, to put in front of the faces of those who do not want to see some things do not go, that must be changed.
It 's a shame that these parts can not be adequately take advantage of sun, sea and mountains, and' a Too bad that here in Calabria, the ancient cradle of civilization and that changed the world there is the mafia.
Ah! I finally said. Yes, finally, because here talking about the Mafia's sick, to think that all are mafia, suggests that tourists are no longer makes us believe that we can bring harm to themselves and the people closest, AND 'TRUE.
The Mafia is, you see, you can breathe and we do ignore it. When you talk about the mafia people are hiding, and points to you if you're lucky you say "scchh, speaks softly," and so we become accomplices.
When I talk about the Mafia, in fact, in Calabria the 'Ndrangheta, which according to our Interior Minister Pisanu is among the most dangerous organizations in the world, I do not mean those scenes from Western movies where if you look at someone with a little more emphasis is likely to be killed on the street. No, I mean very different things. Probably once the 'Ndrangheta was led by ignorant people and certain things were happening too frequently, deletions are more focused now limited to people who annoy them inside of the thighs. With the generational change the gangs have been able to increase their level of culture and marketing, so you do not shoot more, or better, do not you shoot with the same consistency. Today, the Mafia has other interests, public procurement, toxic waste, drugs, bodies public. That is to say that the mafia is not only the shooter but also the employee of the door of any public office to issue a certificate or to carry out a practice, he wants the "bribe". Here is full of these mafias hospitals, municipalities, provinces, in short, a little bit throughout the government. At that point, for a long time, the president of Confindustria Calabria denounced inefficiency in public offices, has launched warnings to politicians to intervene to protect the businesses (forgot to mention that in Calabria open a new business is almost impossible, come quickly "warned" you have to pay), but nothing è avvenuto. L'ultimo appello è stato rivolto dal Presidente degli industriali Calabria al Nostro Presidente della Repubblica, addirittura invocando l'invio dell'esercito per presidiare le aziende calabresi, richiamando alla memoria quell'operazione del 1992, di cui non si conoscono i frutti, denominata "Vespri Siciliani".
Ah! Quant’è bella questa Calabria, dal sole giallo e dal mare inquinato dalle ecomafie che, in base a delle ricostruzioni fatte da un pentito, avrebbero affondato nel mar Tirreno centinaia di bidoni contenenti scorie nucleari.
“Cchiù ppilu ppè tutti” dice l’Onorevole Cetto La Qualunque impersonato da Antonio Albanese, che auspicando nel turismo (sessuale) l’unica source of development of our region urged the crowd to vote for him promising "pilu gardens. Just these words come to mind during the speeches of local politicians, like the matter Cetto, sing propaganda for sustainable tourism economy. Then I have to ask, because these gentlemen do not stand-up comedians? Why are not you consistent? Why not say that there are no people in Calabria suitable for tourism? Why do not you say that most of the Calabrian villages are in the hands of the largest Italian tour operators? Why not say that the local workforce, in tourist villages in Calabria managed by a foreign people, is limited to simple works of maintenance of the facilities (plumbing, construction workers, gardeners)? Maybe because in Calabria there are no skills? Or perhaps the skills are there and go to work abroad? Why not say that the few villages with total management of Calabria, where they are not managed by the Mafia, do not go because there is no culture of offering a quality service? Calabria how beautiful this, beautiful as hell.


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