Sono un accanito difensore della democrazia, sono un suo affezionato consumatore, mi vanto di questo e sono orgoglioso. Quando dico democrazia non intendo riferirmi alla politica, bensì al modo di vita delle persone che la esercitano. Oggi tutti pensiamo di essere in democrazia, ma giorno dopo giorno c'è sempre qualcuno che tenta di minarla imbavagliando chi, per scelta personale, per opinione o modo di vita, la pensa diversamente o semplicemente cerca di fare il proprio lavoro. Ahimè sono giunto alla conclusione che la democrazia è debole. Molto debole. Al punto che se tutti noi non la difendiamo (non a mò di Bush) potrebbero arrivare tempi cupi.
I always believed that democracy of a country is measured by the freedom of expression and opinion of the people who inhabit it, and also by the size and thickness of cultural events that are proposed. In Italy, there is democracy but, in my view, is very limited. I'm a photojournalist by trade, is one of those who write with the camera, then draw thoughts, then write with the pen. For the lack of democracy journalists, photojournalists, cameramen and media personnel in general are several deaths over the years. For the geographical situation in which I live I do not have much in common with those who are often seen on TV, the news sent. But one thing that brings me closer, not at all, but I think a good portion of them is the need to always tell the truth at any cost, for everything. In Italy there are those who want to tell the truth at any cost, but there are few. To this truth, to 13.00 today, in Cuba, an Italian journalist of Corser, Francesco Battistini, Stao is arrested as soon as he set foot on Cuban soil. I am not nor Fidel's side or against him. The logic absolutist, uncompromising and bad, right or left, Catholic or Orthodox or Islamic, they are not my own as a culture and way of being, but one thing is certain there is no press freedom in Cuba nor in Italy . .
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