a risotto to be redone.
There are few things that does not compromise, indeed, are almost nil. As a man, I do not care to have ironed shirts, pants ready, and if a garment is still in the basket of dirty laundry I'm not complaining. In short, I live my life with serenity home. One thing, however, disturbs me. Eating badly. Grinding wheels are big, even fat, because I confess, I like to eat well. Many dieters want to eat well sit at the table and nibble a bit 'of this and a bit' of that blind to the calories and mixtures of protein and carbohydrates.
To me it means to eat well, do not eat much, but just match colors and flavors, try out new ideas and new flavors, not as Visscher, however, from which I do not even make me an omelette.
I also like cooking. In the little 'free time that I find I enjoy the kitchen and without false modesty I can pull out of the dishes, to that of others, pretty good. Among the many
the latest addition to my kitchen last night was studied in 4 and 4 8.
Back home I had nothing ready. I open a half-empty fridge and began to stir in the little 'no less than God's
I find very little, 3 zucchini, in a completely yellowed (Trash), a
tomatoes, 3 onions and a slice of melon left from lunch.
The idea came to me immediately. I make a risotto.
It was 20:30 when I started, I remember very well started on TG2, and I began to eat at 21.20.
Yes, I must say it came out a nice plate colors, flavors just right with the right amount of sweetness emerged from the melon. Spiego cosa ho fatto:
RICETTA: per 2-3 persone, tagliare a cubetti di piccolo spessore 2-3 cipolle di media dimensione, aggiungere 2-3 zucchine non troppo grandi, una fetta di melone giallo (effettivamente era arancione al suo interno, però non saprei il nome specifico di quel tipo di melone, qui lo chiamiamo melone di pane) 1 pomodoro.
Dopo aver tagliato a cubetti quanto sopra, versate il tutto in una pentola, preferibilmente quella per il Cus Cus (spero si scriva così).
Continuate la preparazione aggiungendo un po’ di burro e cominciate a far soffriggere a fuoco lento.
Nel frattempo in un’altra pentola preparate del brodo col dado vegetale, io ne ho preparato una pentola di medie dimensioni con 2 dadi.
Quando il contenuto nella pentola da Cus Cus sarà ben amalgamato aggiungete 200- 250 gr. di riso e cominciate a mescolare fino a completa tostatura del riso. (attenzione a non farlo attaccare).
Quando il riso è ben tostato aumentate la fiamme ed aggiungete 2 o 3 mestoli di brodo che dovrete tenere a temperatura su un fornello più piccolo.
Comincerete così la vera e propria cottura del riso.
Man mano che il riso si asciuga aggiungete del brodo fino ad arrivare a completa cottura.
Fate seccare il brodo in eccesso e aggiungete una bustina di zafferano.
Risultato garantito. Stasera lo rifaccio….
Friday, May 27, 2005
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Is The Mac 24pc Brush Set Authentic?
Mi arriva oggi, via mail, un commento al mio post "Libertà" al quale voglio replicare per tentare di chiarire la mia posizione sulla cosa. Anche perché chi mi scrive è un amico con delle idee ben chiare e definite.
Come ho già detto, io non sto né dalla parte di Fidel né contro di lui. La politica di un Paese, rispecchia la qualità delle persone che lo amministrano (vedi Italia). Ma il mio commento non era riferito ad un discorso prettamente politico, mi riferivo, invece, ad una libertà che in un Paese democratico DEVE essere sempre garantita cioè il DIRITTO DI CRONACA. Io non conosco Battistini, penso però che sia andato a Cuba per lavorare, e non per partecipare attivamente alle riunioni contro Fidel. Prima di arrestare ed espellere una persona, un capo di Stato, sia esso di sinistra, di centro, di destra; sia esso basato su teorie religiose di qualunque tipo DEVE accertarsi con prove provate che la persona che si sta per arrestare sia un pericolo per il Governo.
Caro Marco, nonostante conosca le tue posizioni, ben espresse nel tuo commento , non penso che le ragioni, qualora fossero quelle che tu hai elencato, giustificassero l'arresto. La prevenzione, e tu lo sai bene, si fa diversamente e non con la durezza delle armi o con l'imbavagliamento di chi la pensa diversamente. Anche io la penso diversamente rispetto alla politica adottata ultimamente dal nostro Paese, e se scrivo che Berlusconi è un bischero (per dirla alla Benigni) che fanno mi arrestano? Spero di no, if it would be a restriction of personal freedom.
about the quality of life in Cuba, well, I do not know well the history of that country and its current condition, but if there are dissidents, then you should not then be so good, though many are risking their lives trying to reach Most democratic running away, not that you surf in gold. With regard to the geopolitical situations we know that this is both a chess game in which always wins who has more pawns to be sacrificed.
Mi arriva oggi, via mail, un commento al mio post "Libertà" al quale voglio replicare per tentare di chiarire la mia posizione sulla cosa. Anche perché chi mi scrive è un amico con delle idee ben chiare e definite.
Come ho già detto, io non sto né dalla parte di Fidel né contro di lui. La politica di un Paese, rispecchia la qualità delle persone che lo amministrano (vedi Italia). Ma il mio commento non era riferito ad un discorso prettamente politico, mi riferivo, invece, ad una libertà che in un Paese democratico DEVE essere sempre garantita cioè il DIRITTO DI CRONACA. Io non conosco Battistini, penso però che sia andato a Cuba per lavorare, e non per partecipare attivamente alle riunioni contro Fidel. Prima di arrestare ed espellere una persona, un capo di Stato, sia esso di sinistra, di centro, di destra; sia esso basato su teorie religiose di qualunque tipo DEVE accertarsi con prove provate che la persona che si sta per arrestare sia un pericolo per il Governo.
Caro Marco, nonostante conosca le tue posizioni, ben espresse nel tuo commento , non penso che le ragioni, qualora fossero quelle che tu hai elencato, giustificassero l'arresto. La prevenzione, e tu lo sai bene, si fa diversamente e non con la durezza delle armi o con l'imbavagliamento di chi la pensa diversamente. Anche io la penso diversamente rispetto alla politica adottata ultimamente dal nostro Paese, e se scrivo che Berlusconi è un bischero (per dirla alla Benigni) che fanno mi arrestano? Spero di no, if it would be a restriction of personal freedom.
about the quality of life in Cuba, well, I do not know well the history of that country and its current condition, but if there are dissidents, then you should not then be so good, though many are risking their lives trying to reach Most democratic running away, not that you surf in gold. With regard to the geopolitical situations we know that this is both a chess game in which always wins who has more pawns to be sacrificed.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Does The City Keep Drawings Of Houses Built
CITY 'between two seas
Catanzaro is a city between two seas (due to its geographical position which sees its eastern boundary the Ionian Sea and Lamezia Terme in the province of the Tyrrhenian Sea), and a thousand trouble.
Needless to say, the problems of the place, labor shortages, lack of ideas and entrepreneurial mindset, lack of intellectual honesty and political lack of consistency and lack of any kind. Too many troubles that often suggest that perhaps I should go. Maybe find a place with only one sea or sea and not try to remake a life worthy of the name. Do not care too much trouble, even glissandos to give vent to the ideas of a niche in the public or politicians who see the sand castles in solving problems.
It could be thousands of things, the Salerno-Reggio Calabria, the bridge over the Strait, but I just a little news that could cost the outlay of just 50 million €. Since 1929
Catanzaro has its own football team, it has caused a stir in the years gone by, has had the honor of
clash with top teams, giving them a hard coat, but for some time now, ( 14 years) if we exclude the rise in Serie B last year, has not the warm hearts filled with joy Catanzaro.
talk about the project of building a new stadium, of which the idea was already in embryo 5-6 years ago and which now threatens to become real. No
it has something in hand to build a new stadium or restore the current system, but speaking very clearly, I think there are cose più serie da affrontare visto che i lavori per un nuovo impianto o per la ristrutturazione di quello esistente non spetterebbe solo alla Società. Ogni giorno sui quotidiani locali si leggono articoli di persone indigenti, senza casa e senza un soldo per tirare avanti. Ogni giorno si parla di disagi giovanili e di mancanza di sicurezza. Quello che voglio dire è che in città mancano i servizi più elementari; un bagno pubblico, sicurezza stradale, un piano urbano efficiente, un piano per la viabilità e per la sicurezza. Catanzaro è tra le zone più sismiche della Calabria, ma nulla viene fatto per prevenire i danni che un eventuale terremoto potrebbe provocare. Insomma, lo stadio che abbiamo, visto che la squadra l’anno prossimo face for the umpteenth time the championship series C1, I think will go well.
could take small steps to adapt and make it less difficult work of staff but nothing more. Last season, when the Catanzaro has conquered the peaks of the high ranking, the maximum number of viewers was 20 000 people. A relatively large number for a team of C1, but certainly is not justified the construction of a stadium with more than 30 000 places, hotels, shopping malls (where the city buzzes), and Museum of Catanzaro, was not even the Boca Junior .
€ 50 million, one hundred billion of the old coinage, to put it Bonolis, could be useful for the improvement of the university, for the establishment of facilities for cultural spaces and things like that, that combined with an honest management (for example by not delivering the spaces to friends of friends) could raise the cultural and social level of the city.
Catanzaro is a city between two seas (due to its geographical position which sees its eastern boundary the Ionian Sea and Lamezia Terme in the province of the Tyrrhenian Sea), and a thousand trouble.
Needless to say, the problems of the place, labor shortages, lack of ideas and entrepreneurial mindset, lack of intellectual honesty and political lack of consistency and lack of any kind. Too many troubles that often suggest that perhaps I should go. Maybe find a place with only one sea or sea and not try to remake a life worthy of the name. Do not care too much trouble, even glissandos to give vent to the ideas of a niche in the public or politicians who see the sand castles in solving problems.
It could be thousands of things, the Salerno-Reggio Calabria, the bridge over the Strait, but I just a little news that could cost the outlay of just 50 million €. Since 1929
Catanzaro has its own football team, it has caused a stir in the years gone by, has had the honor of
clash with top teams, giving them a hard coat, but for some time now, ( 14 years) if we exclude the rise in Serie B last year, has not the warm hearts filled with joy Catanzaro.
talk about the project of building a new stadium, of which the idea was already in embryo 5-6 years ago and which now threatens to become real. No
it has something in hand to build a new stadium or restore the current system, but speaking very clearly, I think there are cose più serie da affrontare visto che i lavori per un nuovo impianto o per la ristrutturazione di quello esistente non spetterebbe solo alla Società. Ogni giorno sui quotidiani locali si leggono articoli di persone indigenti, senza casa e senza un soldo per tirare avanti. Ogni giorno si parla di disagi giovanili e di mancanza di sicurezza. Quello che voglio dire è che in città mancano i servizi più elementari; un bagno pubblico, sicurezza stradale, un piano urbano efficiente, un piano per la viabilità e per la sicurezza. Catanzaro è tra le zone più sismiche della Calabria, ma nulla viene fatto per prevenire i danni che un eventuale terremoto potrebbe provocare. Insomma, lo stadio che abbiamo, visto che la squadra l’anno prossimo face for the umpteenth time the championship series C1, I think will go well.
could take small steps to adapt and make it less difficult work of staff but nothing more. Last season, when the Catanzaro has conquered the peaks of the high ranking, the maximum number of viewers was 20 000 people. A relatively large number for a team of C1, but certainly is not justified the construction of a stadium with more than 30 000 places, hotels, shopping malls (where the city buzzes), and Museum of Catanzaro, was not even the Boca Junior .
€ 50 million, one hundred billion of the old coinage, to put it Bonolis, could be useful for the improvement of the university, for the establishment of facilities for cultural spaces and things like that, that combined with an honest management (for example by not delivering the spaces to friends of friends) could raise the cultural and social level of the city.
Sphere By Master Locks
"MA! But! But holy shit." Two friends who began this way, speaking of her son, expressing their joy when the baby defecated. And in front of my disappointment, continued, "you'll notice when you have a child."
Now I have a son, I am always of the same opinion ...
Apart from the satisfaction of knowing that your child (infant) did a poo, because it you know that continues to be healthy and not have to buy strange mixture of hell and expensive drugs, the saint I do not see anything that diaper.
Indeed, I also know of evil. I do not understand, for example, why, when my son was changed by the mom did it just to pee, ditto if you change the aunt or other people. When I return I always did the shit. Why, why am always bear the sight of me smelly?
I do not mean, however, reiterate that I am happy when I see him (only for the reasons mentioned above), but when you see him naked and BLAH!, And then after the wash and the systems on the station and prepare to clothe it also makes him pee without pannetto, well, well è proprio diabolico...
"MA! But! But holy shit." Two friends who began this way, speaking of her son, expressing their joy when the baby defecated. And in front of my disappointment, continued, "you'll notice when you have a child."
Now I have a son, I am always of the same opinion ...
Apart from the satisfaction of knowing that your child (infant) did a poo, because it you know that continues to be healthy and not have to buy strange mixture of hell and expensive drugs, the saint I do not see anything that diaper.
Indeed, I also know of evil. I do not understand, for example, why, when my son was changed by the mom did it just to pee, ditto if you change the aunt or other people. When I return I always did the shit. Why, why am always bear the sight of me smelly?
I do not mean, however, reiterate that I am happy when I see him (only for the reasons mentioned above), but when you see him naked and BLAH!, And then after the wash and the systems on the station and prepare to clothe it also makes him pee without pannetto, well, well è proprio diabolico...
Friday, May 20, 2005
Blue Ray Mounting Bike Movies
Sono un accanito difensore della democrazia, sono un suo affezionato consumatore, mi vanto di questo e sono orgoglioso. Quando dico democrazia non intendo riferirmi alla politica, bensì al modo di vita delle persone che la esercitano. Oggi tutti pensiamo di essere in democrazia, ma giorno dopo giorno c'è sempre qualcuno che tenta di minarla imbavagliando chi, per scelta personale, per opinione o modo di vita, la pensa diversamente o semplicemente cerca di fare il proprio lavoro. Ahimè sono giunto alla conclusione che la democrazia è debole. Molto debole. Al punto che se tutti noi non la difendiamo (non a mò di Bush) potrebbero arrivare tempi cupi.
I always believed that democracy of a country is measured by the freedom of expression and opinion of the people who inhabit it, and also by the size and thickness of cultural events that are proposed. In Italy, there is democracy but, in my view, is very limited. I'm a photojournalist by trade, is one of those who write with the camera, then draw thoughts, then write with the pen. For the lack of democracy journalists, photojournalists, cameramen and media personnel in general are several deaths over the years. For the geographical situation in which I live I do not have much in common with those who are often seen on TV, the news sent. But one thing that brings me closer, not at all, but I think a good portion of them is the need to always tell the truth at any cost, for everything. In Italy there are those who want to tell the truth at any cost, but there are few. To this truth, to 13.00 today, in Cuba, an Italian journalist of Corser, Francesco Battistini, Stao is arrested as soon as he set foot on Cuban soil. I am not nor Fidel's side or against him. The logic absolutist, uncompromising and bad, right or left, Catholic or Orthodox or Islamic, they are not my own as a culture and way of being, but one thing is certain there is no press freedom in Cuba nor in Italy . . http://www.freedomhouse.org/research/pressurvey/allscore2005.pdf
Sono un accanito difensore della democrazia, sono un suo affezionato consumatore, mi vanto di questo e sono orgoglioso. Quando dico democrazia non intendo riferirmi alla politica, bensì al modo di vita delle persone che la esercitano. Oggi tutti pensiamo di essere in democrazia, ma giorno dopo giorno c'è sempre qualcuno che tenta di minarla imbavagliando chi, per scelta personale, per opinione o modo di vita, la pensa diversamente o semplicemente cerca di fare il proprio lavoro. Ahimè sono giunto alla conclusione che la democrazia è debole. Molto debole. Al punto che se tutti noi non la difendiamo (non a mò di Bush) potrebbero arrivare tempi cupi.
I always believed that democracy of a country is measured by the freedom of expression and opinion of the people who inhabit it, and also by the size and thickness of cultural events that are proposed. In Italy, there is democracy but, in my view, is very limited. I'm a photojournalist by trade, is one of those who write with the camera, then draw thoughts, then write with the pen. For the lack of democracy journalists, photojournalists, cameramen and media personnel in general are several deaths over the years. For the geographical situation in which I live I do not have much in common with those who are often seen on TV, the news sent. But one thing that brings me closer, not at all, but I think a good portion of them is the need to always tell the truth at any cost, for everything. In Italy there are those who want to tell the truth at any cost, but there are few. To this truth, to 13.00 today, in Cuba, an Italian journalist of Corser, Francesco Battistini, Stao is arrested as soon as he set foot on Cuban soil. I am not nor Fidel's side or against him. The logic absolutist, uncompromising and bad, right or left, Catholic or Orthodox or Islamic, they are not my own as a culture and way of being, but one thing is certain there is no press freedom in Cuba nor in Italy . . http://www.freedomhouse.org/research/pressurvey/allscore2005.pdf
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