E 'returned the Master Raimi. That alone should be enough to make you jump out of his chair and make you fall instantly in room. Or there is always the illegal downloading that has always been great satisfaction (as the Premier do the minors and to me a law expressly forbids it). A derivative film and, despite myself, without the presence of a character actor like Bruce Campbell who made the great trilogy of La Casa. Too bad. However, even the blonde says well, only that in horror as rock music is better that there is a male frontman put his face (and girls should instead be close to their partner's arm and hugging scenes / songs more frantic).
However these days a film like this is rare. Because the houses we were accustomed to distributing or extremely violent horror conceptual, basic messages or ideas without self-mocking as was the case in the 80's.
In retrospect, one can not remain complacent in front of references to more or less famous, to incorporate flavor extremely grotesque in which blood flow and gastric fluids flowing often.
And this should be enough.
Among other things, those who have never dreamed of kicking in the mouth a nasty old hag che ti vuole attaccare impunemente il malocchio? Purtroppo credo che morirò con questo desiderio. e Vabbè.
Di seguito la trama nichilista
Christine è un'impiegata "rampante" all'ufficio prestiti di un grande istituto di credito che per ottenere una promozione a scapito di un collega vuole mostrare al suo capo quanto "dura" e inflessibile possa essere. Pertanto nega una terza proroga di rimborso prestito richiesta da un'anziana gitana che per vendetta getta su Christine una terribile maledizione.
Da quel giorno la vita di Christine diventa un inferno. Disperata chiede ad un veggente di aiutarla a liberarsi del demone che si è impadronito della sua anima ma ogni tentativo risulta vano.
Infine Christine si convince che l'unico way he can save himself is to transfer his curse on another person, but the enterprise is doomed to failure and, finally, the girl touches the final price paid for his ambition and his cynicism. Ah
the final indicator points to a continuous. Well, well. I just want to strafogarmi of gore and popcorn.
And now a perfect piece to take a punch in the face of an old woman. Play