"That bar had never seen him so full. On the road to hell there's a lot of people, but it's a street that runs in loneliness.
He went on to elbow to take his smooth vodka. " Charles Bukowski
With this maxim reopened. Blowing away a
pò di polvere e riabbraccio i vecchi amici (questo giro lo pago io).
Così all'improvviso mi è tornata la voglia di scrivere e ammazzare un po' il tempo visionando nuove pellicole (poche in realtà dato che per qualche mese mi sono sparato tutta la Saga di Lost – ovvero 5 cazzo di serie) sempre sollazzandomi con le migliori band del Pianeta.
L'altra sera ho rivisto per la quinta volta the wrestler (rivivendo tra l'altro involontariamente l'esperienza di Travis che, al primo appuntamento, porta la tipa a vedere un porno film eheheheh).
Così mi sono ricordato che l'ultimo post redatto, verteva proprio su quella pellicola e...di lì a poco sarebbe nuovamente scoccata la scintilla della scrittura.
I wonder what happened to everyone?! The other blog will sopravvissutti to facebook?
O will be reduced as Randy "The Ram"?
About Mikey Rourke, how the fuck did this film go unnoticed?

Simple: The film was originally intended to be placed into the channels of distribution March 17, 2006. Following the date was postponed to October 20, 2006. In a second step, the date slipped to November 7, 2008 but in September it was decided to release it in theaters January 23, 2009 with very limited distribution, and then point to the edition on DVD.
Here's the trailer and its nihilistic plot to understand roughly what it is:
Carmen and Wayne Colson, a split pair, are witnesses of a violent extortion attempt against the owner of the estate agency she works for the woman. Wayne Colson, who happened to witness the fact, beaten the two foil extortion criminal: the hit man Armand Degas, known as Black Hawk Italian adaptation (although the novel by Leonard defines Blackbird, or blackbird) and the young psychopath Richie Nix. After having reported the matter to the police, the couple is inserted into a federal program of protection. But Colson's ex-spouses are not safe, because the authors of the failed extortion decide to go on their trail with a vengeance.
Then again for not being able to read or write, I shot this movie CULT entered the top ten legal nihilism. Movies panic unjustly eclipsed by Easy Rider. But so be it. On board a Dodge Challenger R / T 1970 with a white 440/375 HP engine, so it would be sent to fuck all the controls, the breathalyzer and the disqualification for cyclists.
Hopefully one day somebody will lead us back on track. Maybe an essay
DJ, whose name is Super Soul and all the while shooting the film in bombardone rock songs.
do not need the plot, just watch the video.
Last but not least, I saw Motorhead live. Experience that everyone should try at least once in their lifetime. You still have time - judging by how you keep. Just to say, this is their latest single, proposed live.
give off more energy than any fag your group currently in circulation. And are three times of their lives. Ugh, mezzeseghe!
Hear the music coming, loud as you can stand
You'll Never Be The Same Again
Let the beat into you, let it turn you 'round Let it be
your best friend You are the future, it's your time
You and you and you
Stay together, this is yours and mine
What we're gonna do
Rock out, rock out, rock out
Let it crush your fear
Rock out, rock out, rock out
And you can get it here
Here comes the base, thunder in the guts
Rock 'til you can't stand
Now the guitar speaks, gonna drive you nuts
Power under your hand
You are the people, now you shine
You and you and you
Stay together, let me speak the line
What you gonna do?
Rock out, rock out, rock out
Let it crush your fear
Rock out, rock out, rock out
You can get it here
Rock out, rock out, with your cock out
Impress your lady friends
Rock out, rock out, rock out
'Til your life is at an end